Index for ceco

Cecotti, H. * 2005: Hybrid OCR combination approach complemented by a specialized ICR applied on ancient documents
* 2005: Rejection strategy for convolutional neural network by adaptive topology applied to handwritten digits recognition
* 2008: Convolutional Neural Network with embedded Fourier Transform for EEG classification
* 2008: Dynamic filters selection for textual document image binarization
* 2011: Convolutional Neural Networks for P300 Detection with Application to Brain-Computer Interfaces
* 2011: time-frequency convolutional neural network for the offline classification of steady-state visual evoked potential responses, A
* 2013: Radial Neural Convolutional Layer for Multi-oriented Character Recognition, A
* 2013: Rejection Schemes in Multi-class Classification: Application to Handwritten Character Recognition
* 2015: Semi-automatic ground truth generation using unsupervised clustering and limited manual labeling: Application to handwritten character recognition
* 2015: Toward shift invariant detection of event-related potentials in non-invasive brain-computer interface
* 2016: Active graph based semi-supervised learning using image matching: Application to handwritten digit recognition
* 2016: Multimodal Gaze-Controlled Virtual Keyboard, A
* 2023: Detection of Dyslexic Children Using Machine Learning and Multimodal Hindi Language Eye-Gaze-Assisted Learning System
Includes: Cecotti, H. Cecotti, H.[Hubert]
13 for Cecotti, H.

Cecotti, M.[Marco] * 2022: OAST: Obstacle Avoidance System for Teleoperation of UAVs

Index for "c"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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