Index for code

Code, T.[Tessa] * 2023: Annual and Interannual Variability in the Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient and Turbidity in Urbanized Washington Lake from 2013 to 2022 Assessed Using Landsat-8/9

Codeca, L. * 2020: Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Large-Scale Traffic Signal Control
Includes: Codeca, L. Codecŕ, L.

Codega, D. * 1997: Interactive Tool for Computer Vision Tutorials, An

Codegone, G.[Giulia] * 2020: Multidisciplinary Analysis of Ground Movements: An Underground Gas Storage Case Study

Codella, J.V.[James V.] * 2020: Broader Study of Cross-domain Few-shot Learning, A

Codella, N.[Noel] * 2015: Deep Learning, Sparse Coding, and SVM for Melanoma Recognition in Dermoscopy Images
* 2020: P2L: Predicting Transfer Learning for Images and Semantic Relations
* 2021: CvT: Introducing Convolutions to Vision Transformers
* 2022: DaViT: Dual Attention Vision Transformers
* 2022: Learning Visual Representation from Modality-Shared Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training
* 2022: RegionCLIP: Region-based Language-Image Pretraining
* 2023: Streaming Video Model
Includes: Codella, N.[Noel] Codella, N.
7 for Codella, N.

Codella, N.C.[Noel C.] * 2015: Viewpoint Recognition in Cardiac CT Images
* 2020: Broader Study of Cross-domain Few-shot Learning, A

Codella, N.C.E.[Noel C.E.] * 2013: Large-scale video event classification using dynamic temporal pyramid matching of visual semantics

Codella, N.C.F.[Noel C.F.] * 2012: Cardiac anatomy as a biometric
* 2015: Leveraging geometry and appearance cues for recognizing family photos
* 2017: Leveraging multiple cues for recognizing family photos
Includes: Codella, N.C.F.[Noel C.F.] Codella, N.C.F.[Noel C. F.]

Coder, P.O.[P. Ortiz] * 2011: Application For Cultural Heritage In Erasmus Placement. Surveys And 3D Cataloging Archaeological Finds In Mérida (Spain), An

Codetta Raiteri, D. * 2015: Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Fault Detection, Identification, and Recovery in Autonomous Spacecraft
Includes: Codetta Raiteri, D. Codetta-Raiteri, D.

Codevilla, F.[Felipe] * 2015: Achieving Turbidity Robustness on Underwater Images Local Feature Detection
* 2015: Geostatistics for Context-Aware Image Classification
* 2018: On Offline Evaluation of Vision-Based Driving Models
* 2019: Exploring the Limitations of Behavior Cloning for Autonomous Driving
* 2022: Multimodal End-to-End Autonomous Driving
Includes: Codevilla, F.[Felipe] Codevilla, F.

Index for "c"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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