Index for d_am

d'Amato, D.P. * 1984: OCR in the United States Postal Service: Present Status and Future Needs
* 1990: Document Skew Detection Method Using Run-Length Encoding and the Hough Transform, A
* 1990: Rule-Based System for Document Image Segmentation, A
* 1992: Machine Vision Applications in Character Recognition and Industrial Inspection
* 1993: Character Recognition Technologies

d'Amato, J.[Juan] * 2012: Tennis Training Application Using 3D Gesture Recognition, A

d'Amato, J.P.[Juan P.] * 2014: From a Serious Training Simulator for Ship Maneuvering to an Entertainment Simulator

d'Amato, L.[Luigi] * 2023: Satellite Remote Sensing and Non-Destructive Testing Methods for Transport Infrastructure Monitoring: Advances, Challenges and Perspectives

d'Amato, V. * 2005: Wavelet-based Processing of EEG Data for Brain-Computer Interfaces

d'Ambrogi, C.[Chiara] * 2009: Preface: Geology and information technology

d'Ambrosio, C.[Ciriaco] * 2022: 2021 Greece Central Crete ML 5.8 Earthquake: An Example of Coalescent Fault Segments Reconstructed from InSAR and GNSS Data, The

d'Ambrosio, L. * 2019: Built Environment: Modelling The Urban Space

d'Ambrosio, R.[Roberto] * 2011: Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Using Statistical-Like Moments
* 2012: Biomedical Images Classification by Universal Nearest Neighbours Classifier Using Posterior Probability
* 2012: One-per-Class reconstruction rule for class imbalance learning, A
* 2012: Polichotomies on Imbalanced Domains by One-per-Class Compensated Reconstruction Rule
* 2013: Softmax Regression for ECOC Reconstruction
* 2015: Gentle Nearest Neighbors Boosting over Proper Scoring Rules
Includes: d'Ambrosio, R.[Roberto] d'Ambrosio, R.

d'Amelio, A.[Alessandro] * 2018: Give Ear to My Face: Modelling Multimodal Attention to Social Interactions
* 2018: Single Sample Face Recognition by Sparse Recovery of Deep-Learned LDA Features
* 2019: Problems with Saliency Maps
* 2019: Worldly Eyes on Video: Learnt vs. Reactive Deployment of Attention to Dynamic Stimuli
* 2021: Quantitative Evaluation Framework of Video De-Identification Methods, A
* 2022: DeepFakes Have No Heart: A Simple rPPG-Based Method to Reveal Fake Videos
* 2022: Exploring Fusion Strategies in Deep Multimodal Affect Prediction
* 2023: On Using RPPG Signals for Deepfake Detection: A Cautionary Note
Includes: d'Amelio, A.[Alessandro] D'Amelio, A.[Alessandro]
8 for d'Amelio, A.

d'Amelio, M.T.S.[Monica Tais Siqueira] * 2021: Evaluating Carbon Monoxide and Aerosol Optical Depth Simulations from CAM-Chem Using Satellite Observations

d'Amelio, S. * 2008: Virtual Reconstruction of the Temple Bin Selinunte Excavation Site, The
* 2009: Close range photogrammetry for measurement of the paintings surface deformations
* 2015: 3D Modeling for Underwater Archaeological Documentation: Metric Verifications

d'Amely di Melendugno, G.M.[Guido Maria] * 2023: Multimodal Motion Conditioned Diffusion Model for Skeleton-based Video Anomaly Detection
Includes: d'Amely di Melendugno, G.M.[Guido Maria] d'Amely-di Melendugno, G.M.[Guido Maria]

d'Amiano, L. * 2019: PatchMatch-Based Dense-Field Algorithm for Video Copy-Move Detection and Localization, A

D'Amicantonio, G.[Giacomo] * 2024: Automated Camera Calibration via Homography Estimation with GNNs

d'Amicis, R. * 2023: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The

d'Amico, A.A. * 2014: Reciprocity Property of the Unbiased Cramer-Rao Bound for Vector Parameter Estimation, A

d'Amico, F. * 2004: Estimation of Subpixel Target Size for Remotely Sensed Imagery
* 2019: Railway Ballast Monitoring by GPR: A Test-Site Investigation
* 2020: Displacement Monitoring in Airport Runways by Persistent Scatterers SAR Interferometry
* 2020: Multi-Site and Multi-Year Remote Records of Operative Temperatures with Biomimetic Loggers Reveal Spatio-Temporal Variability in Mountain Lizard Activity and Persistence Proxy Estimates
* 2021: Correcting Sea Surface Temperature Spurious Effects in Salinity Retrieved From Spaceborne L-Band Radiometer Measurements
Includes: d'Amico, F. d'Amico, F.[Fabrizio] d'Amico, F.[Frank] d'Amico, F.[Francesco]

d'Amico, G.[Gianpaolo] * 2013: Natural Interactive System for Hemispatial Neglect Rehabilitation
* 2013: Passive Profiling and Natural Interaction Metaphors for Personalized Multimedia Museum Experiences
* 2020: Consistency of the Single Calculus Chain Optical Products with Archived Measurements from an EARLINET Lidar Station
* 2021: Effect of Forest Mask Quality in the Wall-to-Wall Estimation of Growing Stock Volume, The
* 2022: Characterization of Extremely Fresh Biomass Burning Aerosol by Means of Lidar Observations
* 2022: First Ever Observations of Mineral Dust in Wintertime over Warsaw, Poland
* 2022: Numerical Weather Predictions and Re-Analysis as Input for Lidar Inversions: Assessment of the Impact on Optical Products
* 2023: Reusing Remote Sensing-Based Validation Data: Comparing Direct and Indirect Approaches for Afforestation Monitoring
* 2023: TrainSim: A Railway Simulation Framework for LiDAR and Camera Dataset Generation
Includes: d'Amico, G.[Gianpaolo] d'Amico, G.[Giuseppe] d'Amico, G.[Giovanni] d'Amico, G.[Gianluca]
9 for d'Amico, G.

d'Amico, L.[Lorenzo] * 2016: Virtual Tailor for Garment Design

d'Amico, M. * 2002: Size Functions for Image Retrieval: A Demonstrator on Randomly Generated Curves
* 2006: Using matching distance in size theory: A survey
* 2015: Physical Modeling and Performance Bounds for Device-free Localization Systems
Includes: d'Amico, M. d'Amico, M.[Michele]

d'Amico, N.C.[Natascha Claudia] * 2022: Pareto optimization of deep networks for COVID-19 diagnosis from chest X-rays

d'Amico, R.[Roberta] * 2004: Toward Ubiquitous Acceptance of Biometric Authentication: Template Protection Techniques

d'Amico, S.[Sebastiano] * 2022: Ground-Penetrating Radar and Photogrammetric Investigation on Prehistoric Tumuli at Parabita (Lecce, Italy) Performed with an Unconventional Use of the Position Markers
* 2023: Evaluating Characteristics of an Active Coastal Spreading Area Combining Geophysical Data with Satellite, Aerial, and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Images
* 2023: Imaging Cultural Heritage at Different Scales: Part I, the Micro-Scale (Manufacts)
* 2023: Water-Quality Monitoring with a UAV-Mounted Multispectral Camera in Coastal Waters
* 2024: Assessing Shallow Soft Deposits through Near-Surface Geophysics and UAV-SfM: Application in Pocket Beaches Environments
Includes: d'Amico, S.[Sebastiano] D'Amico, S.[Sebastiano]

d'Amico, V.[Valeria] * 2017: Organizing egocentric videos of daily living activities

d'Amore, F.[Fabrizio] * 2018: DWT and QR Code Based Watermarking for Document DRM

d'Amore, L.[Luisa] * 1996: FWT based preconditioners for image restoration problems
* 1999: Wiener filter and regularization methods for image restoration problems, The
* 2018: objective criterion for stopping light-surface interaction. Numerical validation and quality assessment, An
Includes: d'Amore, L.[Luisa] d'Amore, L.

d'Amore, M.[Mario] * 2022: Approach towards a Holistic Management of Research Data in Planetary Science: Use Case Study Based on Remote Sensing Data

d'Amour, A.[Alexander] * 2021: On Robustness and Transferability of Convolutional Neural Networks

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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