Index for damo

Damodar, S.S.[Shirbahadurkar Suresh] * 2018: HWFusion: Holoentropy and SP-Whale optimisation-based fusion model for magnetic resonance imaging multimodal image fusion

Damodaram, M. * 2017: DeepCut: Object Segmentation From Bounding Box Annotations Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2017: PVR: Patch-to-Volume Reconstruction for Large Area Motion Correction of Fetal MRI

Damodaran, B.B.[Bharath Bhushan] * 2017: Attribute Profiles from Partitioning Trees
* 2017: Sparse Hilbert Schmidt Independence Criterion and Surrogate-Kernel-Based Feature Selection for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2018: DeepJDOT: Deep Joint Distribution Optimal Transport for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2019: GEOBIA at the Terapixel Scale: Toward Efficient Mapping of Small Woody Features from Heterogeneous VHR Scenes
* 2020: Entropic Optimal Transport loss for learning deep neural networks under label noise in remote sensing images, An
* 2022: Semantic Unfolding of StyleGAN Latent Space
* 2022: Wasserstein Adversarial Regularization for Learning With Label Noise
* 2023: Latent-Shift: Gradient of Entropy Helps Neural Codecs
Includes: Damodaran, B.B.[Bharath Bhushan] Damodaran, B.B. Damodaran, B.B.[Bharath Bushan]
8 for Damodaran, B.B.

Damoder, M. * 2016: Real-time video summarization on mobile

Damoisaux, J.L.[Jean Luc] * 2017: Mine Detection Based on Adaboost and Polynomial Image Decomposition
Includes: Damoisaux, J.L.[Jean Luc] Damoisaux, J.L.[Jean-Luc]

Damoiseaux, J.l. * 2017: 3D-AD: 3D-autism dataset for repetitive behaviours with kinect sensor
* 2020: Graph Matching Applied For Textured Pattern Recognition
Includes: Damoiseaux, J.l. Damoiseaux, J.L.

Damon, J.N.[James N.] * 1999: Properties of Ridges and Cores for Two-Dimensional Images
* 2003: Flux invariants for shape
* 2003: Multiscale Medial Loci and Their Properties
* 2003: On the Smoothness and Geometry of Boundaries Associated to Skeletal Structures I: Sufficient Conditions for Smoothness
* 2005: Determining the Geometry of Boundaries of Objects from Medial Data
* 2006: Interpolation in Discrete Single Figure Medial Objects
* 2006: Theoretically Based Robust Algorithms for Tracking Intersection Curves of Two Deforming Parametric Surfaces
* 2007: Tree Structure for Contractible Regions in R3
* 2009: Local Image Features Resulting from 3-Dimensional Geometric Features, Illumination, and Movement: I
* 2010: Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Shape Analysis and Its Applications in Image Understanding
* 2011: Local Image Features Resulting From 3-Dimensional Geometric Features, Illumination, And Movement: II
* 2014: Backwards Principal Component Analysis and Principal Nested Relations
* 2016: Entropy-based correspondence improvement of interpolated skeletal models
* 2017: Modeling Multi-object Configurations via Medial/Skeletal Linking Structures
* 2023: Geometric and Statistical Models for Analysis of Two-Object Complexes
Includes: Damon, J.N.[James N.] Damon, J.N.
15 for Damon, J.N.

Damos, M.A.[Mohamed A.] * 2021: Novel Urban Tourism Path Planning Approach Based on a Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm, A
* 2024: Enhancing the K-Means Algorithm through a Genetic Algorithm Based on Survey and Social Media Tourism Objectives for Tourism Path Recommendations

Damotharasamy, S.[Sangeetha] * 2020: Approach to model human appearance based on sparse representation for human tracking in surveillance

Damoulas, T.[Theodoros] * 2009: Combining feature spaces for classification
* 2009: Pattern recognition with a Bayesian kernel combination machine
* 2014: String Kernels for Complex Time-Series: Counting Targets from Sensed Movement

Damousis, I.G. * 2008: Fuzzy Fusion of Eyelid Activity Indicators for Hypovigilance-Related Accident Prediction

Damov, M.[Mikhail] * 2013: Accurate spatio-temporal reconstruction of missing data in dynamic scenes

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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