Index for dant

Dantam, N.T.[Neil T.] * 2018: Augmented, Mixed, and Virtual Reality Enabling of Robot Deixis

Dantas do Nascimento, H.A.[Hugo Alexandre] * 2020: Empirical Methodological Study of Evaluation Methods Applied to Educational Timetabling Visualizations, An

Dantas, C.F.[Cassio Fraga] * 2017: Learning Dictionaries as a Sum of Kronecker Products
* 2023: Masking Strategies for Background Bias Removal in Computer Vision Models
* 2023: PDiscoNet: Semantically consistent part discovery for fine-grained recognition
* 2023: Sphere Refinement in Gap Safe Screening
* 2024: Determining Effective Temporal Windows for Rapeseed Detection Using Sentinel-1 Time Series and Machine Learning Algorithms
Includes: Dantas, C.F.[Cassio Fraga] Dantas, C.F.[Cássio Fraga] Dantas, C.F.[Cassio F.] Dantas, C.F.[Cássio F.]

Dantas, D.O.[Daniel O.] * 2002: Segmentation of Microarray Images by Mathematical Morphology
* 2015: Fast 2D and 3D image processing with OpenCL
* 2016: Fast multidimensional image processing with OpenCL
Includes: Dantas, D.O.[Daniel O.] Dantas, D.O.[Daniel Oliveira]

Dantas, H. * 2016: Recording and Decoding for Neural Prostheses
* 2021: Interpreting Volitional Movement Intent From Biological Signals: A Review
Includes: Dantas, H. Dantas, H.[Henrique]

Dantas, M.F. * 2016: Characterization And Spectral Monitoring Of Coffee Lands In Brazil

Dantchev, S.[Stefan] * 2007: Digital hyperplane recognition in arbitrary fixed dimension within an algebraic computation model

Dantcheva, A.[Antitza] * 2011: Frontal-to-side face re-identification based on hair, skin and clothes patches
* 2011: On the reliability of eye color as a soft biometric trait
* 2011: Search pruning in video surveillance systems: Efficiency-reliability tradeoff
* 2016: Image-based gender estimation from body and face across distances
* 2018: Comparing Methods for Assessment of Facial Dynamics in Patients with Major Neurocognitive Disorders
* 2018: From Attribute-Labels to Faces: Face Generation Using a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
* 2018: Mitigating Bias in Gender, Age and Ethnicity Classification: A Multi-task Convolution Neural Network Approach
* 2018: Show me your face and I will tell you your height, weight and body mass index
* 2019: Weakly Supervised learning technique for classifying facial expressions, A
* 2020: 1st Challenge on Remote Physiological Signal Sensing (RePSS), The
* 2020: Apathy Classification by Exploiting Task Relatedness
* 2020: G3AN: Disentangling Appearance and Motion for Video Generation
* 2020: ImaGINator: Conditional Spatio-Temporal GAN for Video Generation
* 2020: Semi-supervised Emotion Recognition using Inconsistently Annotated Data
* 2020: video is worth more than 1000 lies. Comparing 3DCNN approaches for detecting deepfakes, A
* 2021: 2nd Challenge on Remote Physiological Signal Sensing (RePSS), The
* 2021: BVPNet: Video-to-BVP Signal Prediction for Remote Heart Rate Estimation
* 2021: Demystifying Attention Mechanisms for Deepfake Detection
* 2021: Emotion Editing in Head Reenactment Videos using Latent Space Manipulation
* 2021: Explainable Fingerprint ROI Segmentation Using Monte Carlo Dropout
* 2021: Explainable Thermal to Visible Face Recognition Using Latent-Guided Generative Adversarial Network
* 2021: Expression recognition with deep features extracted from holistic and part-based models
* 2021: How Unique Is a Face: An Investigative Study
* 2021: Joint Generative and Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-identification
* 2021: Self-Supervised Video Pose Representation Learning for Occlusion- Robust Action Recognition
* 2022: Spatio-Temporal Approach for Apathy Classification, A
* 2023: Attending Generalizability in Course of Deep Fake Detection by Exploring Multi-task Learning
* 2023: LAC: Latent Action Composition for Skeleton-based Action Segmentation
* 2023: Learning Invariance From Generated Variance for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
Includes: Dantcheva, A.[Antitza] Dantcheva, A.
29 for Dantcheva, A.

Dante, A. * 2003: Precise real-time outlier removal from motion vector fields for 3D reconstruction
* 2003: Robust multi-body segmentation

Dantec, N.L.[Nicolas Le] * 2022: How to Include Crowd-Sourced Photogrammetry in a Geohazard Observatory: Case Study of the Giant's Causeway Coastal Cliffs

Danti, A.[Ajit] * 2006: Combining Geometric and Gabor Features for Face Recognition
* 2017: Classification of text documents based on score level fusion approach

Danton, J. * 2012: Revised Coordinates for Apollo Hardware

Dantone, M.[Matthias] * 2011: Augmented faces
* 2012: Apparel Classification with Style
* 2012: Real-time facial feature detection using conditional regression forests
* 2013: Human Pose Estimation Using Body Parts Dependent Joint Regressors
* 2013: Random Forests for Real Time 3D Face Analysis
* 2013: Real time 3D face alignment with Random Forests-based Active Appearance Models
* 2014: Body Parts Dependent Joint Regressors for Human Pose Estimation in Still Images
* 2015: Discriminative learning of apparel features
Includes: Dantone, M.[Matthias] Dantone, M.
8 for Dantone, M.

Dantu, K. * 2017: Person Re-identification for Improved Multi-person Multi-camera Tracking by Continuous Entity Association
* 2023: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Optimization
Includes: Dantu, K. Dantu, K.[Karthik]

Dantu, R. * 2012: Safe Driving Using Mobile Phones

Dantu, R.V. * 1992: Depth Perception Using Blurring and Its Application in VLSI Wafer Probing

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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