Index for deha

DeHaan, K.[Kenneth] * 2021: How2Sign: A Large-scale Multimodal Dataset for Continuous American Sign Language

Dehaan, R.[Remy] * 2007: Discrimination of blackberry (Rubus fruticosus sp. agg.) using hyperspectral imagery in Kosciuszko National Park, NSW, Australia
* 2018: Can UAV-Based Infrared Thermography Be Used to Study Plant-Parasite Interactions between Mistletoe and Eucalypt Trees?

Dehaan, R.L.[Remy L.] * 2019: Modeling Mid-Season Rice Nitrogen Uptake Using Multispectral Satellite Data
* 2023: Autonomous Detection of Mouse-Ear Hawkweed Using Drones, Multispectral Imagery and Supervised Machine Learning

Dehaeck, S.[Sam] * 2022: Strong Geometric Baseline for Cross-View Matching of Multi-person 3D Pose Estimation from Multi-view Images, A
* 2023: Optimal Wavelength Selection for Deep Learning from Hyperspectral Images
Includes: Dehaeck, S.[Sam] Dehaeck, S.

Dehaes, M. * 2009: 1/f Noise in Diffuse Optical Imaging and Wavelet-Based Response Estimation

Dehaghani, A.R. * 2014: Noninvasive Transmural Electrophysiological Imaging Based on Minimization of Total-Variation Functional
* 2014: Total-Variation Minimization on Unstructured Volumetric Mesh: Biophysical Applications on Reconstruction of 3D Ischemic Myocardium
Includes: Dehaghani, A.R. Dehaghani, A.R.[Azar Rahimi]

Dehais, C. * 2004: Augmented reality through real-time tracking of video sequences using a panoramic view
* 2006: ORIENT-CAM, A Camera That Knows Its Orientation and Some Applications
* 2010: Automatic Hair Detection in the Wild
* 2010: From rendering to tracking point-based 3D models
* 2010: Shape approximation for efficient progressive mesh compression
* 2011: Multi-resolution 3D Mesh Coding in MPEG
Includes: Dehais, C. Dehais, C.[Christophe]

Dehais, J.[Joachim] * 2015: Dish Detection and Segmentation for Dietary Assessment on Smartphones
* 2017: Two-View 3D Reconstruction for Food Volume Estimation
Includes: Dehais, J.[Joachim] Dehais, J.

Dehak, N.[Najim] * 2006: GMM-based SVM for face recognition
* 2015: Deep Neural Network Approaches to Speaker and Language Recognition
* 2021: Non-Autoregressive Transformer for Speech Recognition
Includes: Dehak, N.[Najim] Dehak, N.

Dehak, S. * 2001: Inference of Directional Spatial Relationship Between Points: A Probabilistic Approach

Dehak, S.M.R.[Sidi Mohammed Reda] * 2005: Spatial Reasoning with Incomplete Information on Relative Positioning

Dehan, L.[Loic] * 2022: Complete and temporally consistent video outpainting
Includes: Dehan, L.[Loic] Dehan, L.[Loïc]

Dehant, V.[Veronique] * 2020: GRACE: Gravity Data for Understanding the Deep Earth's Interior
* 2022: Evaluation of the Capability of ExoMars-TGO NOMAD Infrared Nadir Channel for Water Ice Clouds Detection on Mars
* 2022: Global Patterns of Interannual and Intraseasonal Mass Variations in the Oceans from GRACE and GRACE Follow-On Records, The
Includes: Dehant, V.[Veronique] Dehant, V.[Véronique]

Dehaqani, M.R.A. * 2019: Discover Points of Interest Based On Users' Internet Searches Through An Online Shopping Website

Dehara, M.[Mariko] * 2016: Seasonal Habitat Patterns of Japanese Common Squid (Todarodes Pacificus) Inferred from Satellite-Based Species Distribution Models

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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