Index for dekk

Dekkaki, H.C.[Hinde Cherkaoui] * 2023: Using Satellite Data to Characterize Land Surface Processes in Morocco

Dekker, A. * 1983: Image Segmentation and Nucleus Classification for Automated Tissue Section Analysis
* 2013: Automated delineation of lung tumors from CT images using a single click ensemble segmentation approach
* 2019: Can Atlas-Based Auto-Segmentation Ever Be Perfect? Insights From Extreme Value Theory
* 2019: Evaluation of Atlas Selection Methods for Atlas-Based Automatic Segmentation in Radiotherapy Treatment Planning, An
Includes: Dekker, A. Dekker, A.[Andre]

Dekker, A.G.[Arnold G.] * 2014: ESA-MERIS 10-Year Mission Reveals Contrasting Phytoplankton Bloom Dynamics in Two Tropical Regions of Northern Australia
* 2014: Mapping Coral Reef Benthos, Substrates, and Bathymetry, Using Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) Data
* 2016: Effects of Per-Pixel Variability on Uncertainties in Bathymetric Retrievals from High-Resolution Satellite Images
* 2020: Spectral and Radiometric Measurement Requirements for Inland, Coastal and Reef Waters
* 2022: Bio-Optical Measurements Indicative of Biogeochemical Transformations of Ocean Waters by Coral Reefs

Dekker, A.L.A.J. * 2008: Improving physical behavior in image registration

Dekker, L. * 1999: Building symbolic information for 3D human body modeling from range data
* 1999: Improved Algorithm for Reconstruction of the Surface of the Human Body from 3D Scanner Data using Local B-spline Patches, An

Dekker, N.[Niels] * 2013: Effects of chromatic image statistics on illumination induced color differences
* 2015: How color difference formulas depend on reference pairs in the underlying constant stimuli experiment
* 2015: How psychophysical methods influence optimizations of color difference formulas

Dekker, P.L.[Paco Lopez] * 2018: Vegetation Characterization through the Use of Precipitation-Affected SAR Signals
* 2018: Vegetation Characterization through the Use of Precipitation-Affected SAR Signals
* 2023: Sea Surface Temperature Gradients Estimation Using Top-of-Atmosphere Observations from the ESA Earth Explorer 10 Harmony Mission: Preliminary Studies
Includes: Dekker, P.L.[Paco Lopez] Dekker, P.L.[Paco López]

Dekker, R.J. * 1998: Speckle Filtering in Satellite SAR Change Detection Imagery
* 2003: Texture analysis and classification of ERS SAR images for map updating of urban areas in the Netherlands

Dekker, S.T. * 1989: Efficient Uniform Cost Algorithm Applied to Distance Transforms, An

Dekkiche, D.[Djamila] * 2015: Vehicles Detection in Stereo Vision Based on Disparity Map Segmentation and Objects Classification

Dekking, F.M. * 1986: Fourier Coding and Reconstruction of Complicated Contours
* 1994: Fractal coding of monochrome images

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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