Index for deus

Deus, D. * 2013: Water Balance Modeling in a Semi-Arid Environment with Limited in situ Data Using Remote Sensing in Lake Manyara, East African Rift, Tanzania

Deus, N.[Nico] * 2020: Airborne Electromagnetic, Magnetic, and Radiometric Surveys at the German North Sea Coast Applied to Groundwater and Soil Investigations

Deusch, H. * 2015: Labeled Multi-Bernoulli SLAM Filter, The

Deuschel, J.[Jessica] * 2021: Multi-Prototype Few-shot Learning in Histopathology

Deuser, F.[Fabian] * 2023: Sample4Geo: Hard Negative Sampling For Cross-View Geo-Localisation

Deuser, L.M. * 1994: Automatic classification of acoustic sequences by multiresolution image processing and neural networks

Deussen, D.N.[Daniel N.] * 2023: Robust AMD Stage Grading with Exclusively OCTA Modality Leveraging 3D Volume

Deussen, O. * 2001: Tiled Blue Noise Samples
* 2009: Enhancing and experiencing spacetime resolution with videos and stills
* 2015: Interactive tracking of insect posture
* 2016: Single-Image Insect Pose Estimation by Graph Based Geometric Models and Random Forests
* 2016: Stem cell microscopic image segmentation using supervised normalized cuts
* 2016: Study of the Human Comprehension of Building Categories Based on Different 3D Building Representations, A
* 2016: Understanding Human Perception Of Building Categories In Virtual 3d Cities - A User Study
* 2017: Bee pose estimation from single images with convolutional neural network
* 2017: Data-Driven Synthesis of Cartoon Faces Using Different Styles
* 2018: Estimating 2D Multi-hand Poses from Single Depth Images
* 2020: Self-Supervised Feature Augmentation for Large Image Object Detection
* 2021: Exploring the Representativity of Art Paintings
* 2022: GenDR: A Generalized Differentiable Renderer
* 2022: Style Agnostic 3D Reconstruction via Adversarial Style Transfer
Includes: Deussen, O. Deussen, O.[Oliver]
14 for Deussen, O.

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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