Index for dove

Dove, S.[Sophie] * 2018: Remote Sensing of Coral Bleaching Using Temperature and Light: Progress towards an Operational Algorithm

Dovedi, T.[Tanvi] * 2022: Hybrid time-reassigned multisynchrosqueezing transform-Picard-based automated electroencephalography artifact correction methodology for brain-computer interface applications

Doveh, S.[Sivan] * 2021: Detector-Free Weakly Supervised Grounding by Separation
* 2021: MetAdapt: Meta-learned task-adaptive architecture for few-shot classification
* 2023: Going Beyond Nouns With Vision & Language Models Using Synthetic Data
* 2023: Teaching Structured Vision and Language Concepts to Vision and Language Models
* 2024: MAEDAY: MAE for few- and zero-shot AnomalY-Detection

Dovesi, P.L. * 2019: Enhancing Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Traditional Visual Odometry
* 2022: Online Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation in Ever-Changing Conditions
* 2023: To Adapt or Not to Adapt? Real-Time Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Dovesi, P.L. Dovesi, P.L.[Pier Luigi]

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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