Index for drig

Driggers, R.G. * 1998: Targeting and Intelligence Electro-optical Recognition Modeling: A Juxtaposition of the Probabilities of Discrimination and the General Image Quality Equation
* 2008: Predicting range performance of sampled imagers by treating aliased signal as target-dependent noise Open Access open access
Includes: Driggers, R.G. Driggers, R.G.[Ronald G.]

Driggs Campbell, K. * 2017: Integrating Intuitive Driver Models in Autonomous Planning for Interactive Maneuvers
Includes: Driggs Campbell, K. Driggs-Campbell, K.

Driggs, D.[Derek] * 2021: Stochastic Proximal Alternating Minimization for Nonsmooth and Nonconvex Optimization, A

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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