Index for dugg

Duggal, R. * 2017: P-TELU: Parametric Tan Hyperbolic Linear Unit Activation for Deep Neural Networks
* 2021: Compatibility-aware Heterogeneous Visual Search
* 2022: Towards Regression-Free Neural Networks for Diverse Compute Platforms
Includes: Duggal, R. Duggal, R.[Rahul]

Duggal, S. * 2019: DeepPruner: Learning Efficient Stereo Matching via Differentiable PatchMatch
* 2019: Online Video Summarization: Predicting Future to Better Summarize Present
* 2021: GeoSim: Realistic Video Simulation via Geometry-Aware Composition for Self-Driving
* 2022: Mending Neural Implicit Modeling for 3D Vehicle Reconstruction in the Wild
* 2022: Topologically-Aware Deformation Fields for Single-View 3D Reconstruction
* 2023: Your Diffusion Model is Secretly a Zero-Shot Classifier
Includes: Duggal, S. Duggal, S.[Shivam]

Duggan, D.[Daniel] * 2019: Exploring Extended Reality as a Simulation Training Tool Through Naturalistic Interactions and Enhanced Immersion

Duggan, J. * 2016: Using game engines for marine visualisation and collaboration

Duggan, M.[Matthew] * 2008: Bidirectinal bias correction for Gradient-Based Shift Estimation

Duggan, N.[Noirin] * 2014: simple boundary reinforcement technique for segmentation without prior, A
* 2015: Technique for Lung Nodule Candidate Detection in CT Using Global Minimization Methods, A
* 2016: Tumor Lesion Segmentation from 3D PET Using a Machine Learning Driven Active Surface
Includes: Duggan, N.[Noirin] Duggan, N.[Nóirín]

Duggento, A.[Andrea] * 2023: VAESim: A probabilistic approach for self-supervised prototype discovery

Dugger, B.N.[Brittany N.] * 2021: Joint Semi-supervised and Active Learning for Segmentation of Gigapixel Pathology Images with Cost-Effective Labeling
* 2023: CLIPath: Fine-tune CLIP with Visual Feature Fusion for Pathology Image Analysis Towards Minimizing Data Collection Efforts

Duggins, D. * 2000: System for Video Surveillance and Monitoring, A
* 2001: Side Collision Warning Systems for Transit Buses: Functional Goals

Duggirala, P.R.[Prashanth Reddy] * 2021: Predicting ASD diagnosis in children with synthetic and image-based eye gaze data

Index for "d"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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