Index for vive

Vivek, B.S. * 2018: Gray-Box Adversarial Training
* 2019: FDA: Feature Disruptive Attack
* 2020: Plug-And-Pipeline: Efficient Regularization for Single-Step Adversarial Training
* 2020: Single-Step Adversarial Training With Dropout Scheduling
* 2020: Towards Achieving Adversarial Robustness by Enforcing Feature Consistency Across Bit Planes

Vivek, E.P. * 2007: Robust Hausdorff distance measure for face recognition

Vivekanandan, A.[Abhishek] * 2022: Plausibility Verification for 3d Object Detectors Using Energy-based Optimization

Vivekar, A.[Ashish] * 2021: Radiometric Correction of Multispectral UAS Images: Evaluating the Accuracy of the Parrot Sequoia Camera and Sunshine Sensor

Vivekraj, V.K. * 2016: Vector R-ordering based selection of segments for video skimming
* 2019: Video Skimming: Taxonomy and Comprehensive Survey
* 2020: Vector ordering and regression learning-based ranking for dynamic summarisation of user videos

Viverge, P.J.[Pierre Jean] * 2009: Edge-Preserving Image Reconstruction with Wavelet-Domain Edge Continuation
Includes: Viverge, P.J.[Pierre Jean] Viverge, P.J.[Pierre-Jean]

Vivero, S.[Sebastian] * 2017: Recent Deceleration of the Ice Elevation Change of Ecology Glacier (King George Island, Antarctica)
* 2019: Geodetic Mass Balances and Area Changes of Echaurren Norte Glacier (Central Andes, Chile) between 1955 and 2015
* 2020: 60 Years of Glacier Elevation and Mass Changes in the Maipo River Basin, Central Andes of Chile
Includes: Vivero, S.[Sebastian] Vivero, S.[Sebastián]

Vivero, V. * 2010: Directional Gaze Analysis in Webcam Video Sequences

Viveros Cancino, O.[Oscar] * 2002: Analyse intra-urbaine ŕ partir d'images satellitaires par une approche de fusion de données sur la ville de Mexico
Includes: Viveros Cancino, O.[Oscar] Viveros-Cancino, O.[Oscar]

Viveros, L. * 2020: High Precision Fully Integrated Airborne Digital Mapping Systems - State of the Art and Performance Analysis

Vives, K.P.[Kenneth P.] * 2007: Nonrigid Intraoperative Cortical Surface Tracking Using Game Theory
* 2010: Image-Guided Intraoperative Cortical Deformation Recovery Using Game Theory: Application to Neocortical Epilepsy Surgery
* 2012: Volumetric Intraoperative Brain Deformation Compensation: Model Development and Phantom Validation

Vives, X.[Xavier] * 2009: Media on the web, in post-production and broadcasting: the practitioner day of the ACM 2009 International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval

Vivet, D.[Damien] * 2017: very simple framework for 3D human poses estimation using a single 2D image: Comparison of geometric moments descriptors, A
* 2020: Centernet Heatmap Propagation for Real-time Video Object Detection
* 2021: NetCalib: A Novel Approach for LiDAR-Camera Auto-calibration Based on Deep Learning
* 2022: Lie Group Modelling for an EKF-Based Monocular SLAM Algorithm
* 2022: Robust Filter-Based Visual Navigation Solution with Miscalibrated Bi-Monocular or Stereo Cameras
* 2023: Transformer for multiple object tracking: Exploring locality to vision

Vivet, M.[Marc] * 2009: Real-Time Motion Detection for a Mobile Observer Using Multiple Kernel Tracking and Belief Propagation
* 2010: Compatible Particles for Part-Based Tracking
* 2011: DLIG: Direct Local Indirect Global Alignment for Video Mosaicing
Includes: Vivet, M.[Marc] Vivet, M.

Vivet, P.[Pascal] * 2023: HUGNet: Hemi-Spherical Update Graph Neural Network applied to low-latency event-based optical flow

Index for "v"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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