Index for wage

Wage, K.E. * 2020: Cross Term Decay in Multiplicative Processors

Wage, O. * 2020: Ride Vibrations: Towards Comfort-based Bicycle Navigation
* 2021: Mining Topological Dependencies of Recurrent Congestion in Road Networks
Includes: Wage, O. Wage, O.[Oskar]

Wagel, K.H. * 2001: technique for the identification and localization of SAR targets using encoding transponders, A

Wagemaker, J.[Jurjen] * 2015: Early Flood Detection for Rapid Humanitarian Response: Harnessing Near Real-Time Satellite and Twitter Signals

Wagemann, J.[Julia] * 2022: Five Guiding Principles to Make Jupyter Notebooks Fit for Earth Observation Data Education

Wagemans, J. * 1990: Similarity Extraction and Modelling
* 1995: Detection of visual symmetries
* 2002: Reconstruction of Subjective Surfaces from Occlusion Cues
* 2005: Texture and haptic cues in slant discrimination: reliability-based cue weighting without statistically optimal cue combination
* 2015: nature of the visual field, a phenomenological analysis, The
Includes: Wagemans, J. Wagemans, J.[Johan]

Wagenaar, D.J. * 2005: From Genomics to Clinical Molecular Imaging

Wagener, N.[Nicolas] * 2018: Exploiting SAR Tomography for Supervised Land-Cover Classification

Wagener, O.[Olaf] * 2014: Procedural Shape Modeling in Digital Humanities: Potentials and Issues

Wagenknecht, G. * 2007: contour tracing and coding algorithm for generating 2D contour codes from 3D classified objects, A

Wagenmaker, A.J. * 2017: Robust photometric stereo using learned image and gradient dictionaries
* 2017: Robust surface reconstruction from gradients via adaptive dictionary regularization

Index for "w"

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