Index for wahe

Wahed, M.[Muntasir] * 2024: Fine-Grained Alignment for Cross-Modal Recipe Retrieval

Wahed, M.A.[Manal Abdel] * 2022: Transfer learning-based platform for detecting multi-classification retinal disorders using optical coherence tomography images

Waheed, A.[Abdul] * 2020: Evaluating a Workflow Tool for Simplifying Scenario Planning with the Online WhatIf? Planning Support System
* 2021: Mitigating Urban Visual Pollution through a Multistakeholder Spatial Decision Support System to Optimize Locational Potential of Billboards

Waheed, M.[Manahil] * 2022: Automated Parts-Based Model for Recognizing Human-Object Interactions from Aerial Imagery with Fully Convolutional Network

Waheed, U.B.[Umair Bin] * 2022: Automated Event Detection and Denoising Method for Passive Seismic Data Using Residual Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Waheed, W.[Waseem] * 2020: Guided adaptive interpolation filter

Index for "w"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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