Index for weli

Weligampola, H.[Harshana] * 2021: Optical Physics Inspired CNN Approach for Intrinsic Image Decomposition, An

Welikala, R.A. * 2016: Microaneurysm detection in retinal images using an ensemble classifier
* 2017: Automated quantification of retinal vessel morphometry in the UK biobank cohort
* 2021: Clinically Guided Trainable Soft Attention for Early Detection of Oral Cancer
Includes: Welikala, R.A. Welikala, R.A.[Roshan Alex]

Welikanna, D.R. * 2012: Improving Markov Random Field Based Super Resolution Mapping Through Fuzzy Parameter Integration

Welinder, P.[Peter] * 2009: Automatic discovery of image families: Global vs. local features
* 2009: Scaling object recognition: Benchmark of current state of the art techniques
* 2009: Towards automated large scale discovery of image families
* 2010: Cascaded pose regression
* 2010: Online crowdsourcing: Rating annotators and obtaining cost-effective labels
* 2010: Visual Recognition with Humans in the Loop
* 2013: Lazy Man's Approach to Benchmarking: Semisupervised Classifier Evaluation and Recalibration, A
7 for Welinder, P.

Index for "w"

Last update:27-Apr-24 12:11:53
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