Index for weym

Weyman, C.A.[Christopher A.] * 2021: Automatic Inter-Frame Patient Motion Correction for Dynamic Cardiac PET Using Deep Learning

Weymouth, T.E. * 1981: Experiments in Knowledge-Driven Interpretation of Natural Scenes
* 1983: Rule Based Strategies for Image Interpretation
* 1983: Rule Based Strategies for Image Interpretation
* 1987: Incremental Inference: Spatial Reasoning within a Blackboard Architecture
* 1988: Using Dynamic Programming for Minimizing the Energy of Active Contours in the Presence of Hard Constraints
* 1988: Wide Base-Line Dynamic Stereo: Approximation and Refinement
* 1989: Depth from Dynamic Stereo Images
* 1989: Knowledge-guided left ventricular boundary detection
* 1989: Parallel Algorithm for Determining Two-Dimensional Object Positions Using Incomplete Information About Their Boundaries, A
* 1990: Depth from Relative Normal Flows
* 1990: Interpolating Cubic Spline Contours by Minimizing Second Derivative Discontinuity
* 1990: model for fusion of spatial information in dynamic vision, A
* 1990: Using Dynamic Programming for Solving Variational Problems in Vision
* 1991: Camera Stability Problem and Dynamic Stereo Vision, The
* 1993: Abstraction-Based Approach to 3-D Pose Determination from Range Images, An
* 1995: Indexing in Video Databases
* 1995: Liver Definition in CT Using a Population-Based Shape Model
Includes: Weymouth, T.E. Weymouth, T.E.[Terry E.]
17 for Weymouth, T.E.

Index for "w"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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