Index for whal

Whalen, D.[Dustin] * 2022: Multiscale Object-Based Classification and Feature Extraction along Arctic Coasts
* 2022: Physiographic Controls on Landfast Ice Variability from 20 Years of Maximum Extents across the Northwest Canadian Arctic

Whalen, M. * 1991: Recognition of Handwritten Digits Using Template and Model Matching
* 1995: Handprinted Word Recognition on a NIST Data Set
* 2001: Pose determination and tracking by matching 3D objects to a 2D sensor
Includes: Whalen, M. Whalen, M.[Mike]

Whalen, P.[Peggy] * 2001: Pose determination and tracking by matching 3D objects to a 2D sensor

Whalen, R.T. * 2000: Reconstruction algorithm for polychromatic CT imaging: Application to beam hardening correction

Whalen, S.[Stephen] * 2008: Two-tensor streamline tractography through white matter intra-voxel fiber crossings: Assessed by fMRI
* 2013: Multiclass classification of distributed memory parallel computations
Includes: Whalen, S.[Stephen] Whalen, S.[Sean]

Whalen, S.R. * 2009: Hybrid Patient-Dependent Phantoms Covering Statistical Distributions of Body Morphometry in the U.S. Adult and Pediatric Population

Whalen, T. * 1995: Retrieval of Images from Image Databases: Trademarks, The

Whaley Omidire, T.[Timmera] * 2022: County-Level Assessment of Vulnerability to COVID-19 in Alabama
Includes: Whaley Omidire, T.[Timmera] Whaley-Omidire, T.[Timmera]

Whaley, J.[John] * 2022: Auditing saliency cropping algorithms

Whalin, R.W.[Robert W.] * 2020: Cooperative bypassing algorithm for connected and autonomous vehicles in mixed traffic
* 2021: Analytical approximation for macroscopic fundamental diagram of urban corridor with mixed human and connected and autonomous traffic

Index for "w"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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