Index for wilc

Wilches Mogollon, M.[Maria] * 2023: STRIDE: Street View-based Environmental Feature Detection and Pedestrian Collision Prediction
Includes: Wilches Mogollon, M.[Maria] Wilches-Mogollón, M.[Maria]

Wilches, D.[Daniel] * 2015: Region Growing Selection Technique for Dense Volume Visualization

Wilcox, B. * 1985: Pipelined Processor for Low-Level Vision, A
* 1987: Sensing and Perception Research for Space Telerobotics at JPL
* 2022: Self-attention Capsule Network for Tissue Classification in Case of Challenging Medical Image Statistics
Includes: Wilcox, B. Wilcox, B.[Brian]

Wilcox, B.P.[Bradford P.] * 2022: Woody Plant Encroachment: Evaluating Methodologies for Semiarid Woody Species Classification from Drone Images

Wilcox, C.[Che] * 2003: Structured and unstructured document summarization: Design of a commercial summarizer using Lexical chains
* 2003: Web page summarization for handheld devices: a natural language approach

Wilcox, D. * 2015: Study on MVDR Beamforming Applied to an ESPAR Antenna, A
* 2017: Information-Theoretic Compressive Measurement Design
Includes: Wilcox, D. Wilcox, D.[David]

Wilcox, L.[Lynn] * 2014: MET: media-embedded target for connecting paper to digital media
* 2020: Crowd Knowledge Enhanced Multimodal Conversational Assistant in Travel Domain

Wilcox, L.D.[Lynn D.] * 1995: Method and apparatus for classifying documents
* 1995: Spotting Phrases in Lines of Imaged Text
* 1996: Detection and Location of Multicharacter Sequences in Lines of Imaged Text
* 1997: Indexing the Content of Multimedia Documents
* 2000: Automatic video segmentation using hidden markov model
* 2000: Genetic Algorithm for Video Segmentation and Summarization, A
* 2001: Keyframe-Based User Interfaces for Digital Video
* 2002: Methods and apparatuses for segmenting an audio-visual recording using image similarity searching and audio speaker recognition
* 2003: Automatic video summarization using a measure of shot importance and a frame-packing method
* 2004: Methods and apparatuses for interactive similarity searching, retrieval, and browsing of video
* 2004: Methods and apparatuses for video segmentation, classification, and retrieval using image class statistical models
* 2005: Interactive Video Search Using Multilevel Indexing
* 2006: Support for effective use of multiple video streams in security
* 2011: Adaptive clustering and interactive visualizations to support the selection of video clips
Includes: Wilcox, L.D.[Lynn D.] Wilcox, L.D.
14 for Wilcox, L.D.

Wilcox, L.M.[Laurie M.] * 2012: 3D display size matters: Compensating for the perceptual effects of S3D display scaling
* 2016: effects of depth warping on perceived acceleration in stereoscopic animation, The
Includes: Wilcox, L.M.[Laurie M.] Wilcox, L.M.

Wilcox, M.[Michael] * 2019: Evaluation of Ground Surface Models Derived from Unmanned Aerial Systems with Digital Aerial Photogrammetry in a Disturbed Conifer Forest

Wilczek, A. * 2019: One-Port Vector Network Analyzer Characterization of Soil Dielectric Spectrum

Wilczkowiak, M.[Marta] * 2001: Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction from Single Images Using Parallelepipeds
* 2002: 3D Modelling Using Geometric Constraints: A Parallelepiped Based Approach
* 2003: Analysis of Ambiguous Solutions in Linear Systems and its Application to Computer Vision, The
* 2003: Scene modeling based on constraint system decomposition techniques
* 2003: Visire: Photorealistic 3D Reconstruction from Video Sequences
* 2005: Using Geometric Constraints through Parallelepipeds for Calibration and 3D Modeling
Includes: Wilczkowiak, M.[Marta] Wilczkowiak, M.

Wilczkowiak, M.M. * 2005: Hole Filling Through Photomontage

Wilczynski, S.[Slawomir] * 2015: Quantitative assessment of the impact of blood pulsation on images of the pupil in infrared light

Index for "w"

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