Kemelmacher Shlizerman, I.[Ira]
Co Author Listing * 3D Face Hallucination from a Single Depth Frame
* 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Image Using a Single Reference Face Shape
* 3D shape reconstruction of Mooney faces
* Audio to Body Dynamics
* Background Matting: The World Is Your Green Screen
* Being John Malkovich
* Collection flow
* DreamPose: Fashion Image-to-Video Synthesis via Stable Diffusion
* Face reconstruction in the wild
* Global Motion Estimation from Point Matches
* Head Reconstruction from Internet Photos
* HumanNeRF: Free-viewpoint Rendering of Moving People from Monocular Video
* Illumination-Aware Age Progression
* Indexing with Unknown Illumination and Pose
* Internet Based Morphable Model
* Level Playing Field for Million Scale Face Recognition
* Lifespan Age Transformation Synthesis
* Light Stage on Every Desk, A
* MegaFace Benchmark: 1 Million Faces for Recognition at Scale, The
* Molding Face Shapes by Example
* Moving Portraits
* PersonNeRF: Personalized Reconstruction from Photo Collections
* Photo Wake-Up: 3D Character Animation From a Single Photo
* Photometric Stereo with General, Unknown Lighting
* Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting
* Reconstructing NBA Players
* Soccer on Your Tabletop
* StyleSDF: High-Resolution 3D-Consistent Image and Geometry Generation
* Total Moving Face Reconstruction
* TryOnDiffusion: A Tale of Two UNets
* What Makes Tom Hanks Look Like Tom Hanks
Includes: Kemelmacher Shlizerman, I.[Ira] Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, I.[Ira] Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, I.
31 for Kemelmacher Shlizerman, I.
Kementchedjhieva, Y.[Yova]
Co Author Listing * Smallcap: Lightweight Image Captioning Prompted with Retrieval Augmentation
Kemeny, A.[Andras]
Co Author Listing * Impact of Human-Centered Vestibular System Model for Motion Control in a Driving Simulator
* Motion Scaling for High-Performance Driving Simulators
Includes: Kemeny, A.[Andras] Kemeny, A.
Kemeny, J.M.
Co Author Listing * segmentation method for multi-connected particle delineation, A
Kemeny, S.E.
Co Author Listing * Multiresolution Image Sensor
Kemertas, M.[Mete]
Co Author Listing * RankMI: A Mutual Information Maximizing Ranking Loss
Kemeth, H.
Co Author Listing * Towards Cardiac C-Arm Computed Tomography