Mads, H.[Hansen]
Co Author Listing * Cluster tracking with Time-of-Flight cameras
Madsen, A.L.
Co Author Listing * Maximal Prime Subgraph Decomposition of Bayesian Networks
Madsen, B.[Bo]
Co Author Listing * Acoustic Mapping of Submerged Stone Age Sites: A HALD Approach
Madsen, B.R.[Bo Rene]
Co Author Listing * Estimating Motion in Ultrasound Images of the Small Bowel: Optical Flow without Image Structure
Includes: Madsen, B.R.[Bo Rene] Madsen, B.R.[Bo René]
Madsen, C.[Claus]
Co Author Listing * Benchmarking Close-range Structure from Motion 3D Reconstruction Software Under Varying Capturing Conditions
Madsen, C.B.[Claus B.]
Co Author Listing * email: Madsen, C.B.[Claus B.]: cbm AT vision auc dk
* AssemblyNet: A Point Cloud Dataset and Benchmark for Predicting Part Directions in an Exploded Layout
* Brush, lasso, or magic wand? Picking the right tool for large-scale multiple object selection tasks
* Comparative-Study of the Robustness of Two Pose Estimation Techniques, A
* Computational and Evolutionary Perspective on the Role of Representation in Vision: Reply, A
* Determining angles with a movable observer
* Estimation of Dynamic Light Changes in Outdoor Scenes Without the use of Calibration Objects
* Extended Perspective Three Points Problem, An
* Graph Cut Based Segmentation of Soft Shadows for Seamless Removal and Augmentation
* Modeling and Testing the Stability of Edge Segments: Length and Orientation
* Optimization of Robot Self-Localization Accuracy by Automatic Visual-Landmark Selection
* Performance Comparison of Techniques for Approximating Image-Based Lighting by Directional Light Sources
* Reactive View Planning for Quantification of Local Geometry
* Real-Time Recognition of Hand Alphabet Gestures Using Principal Component Analysis
* Segmentation of Soft Shadows Based on a Daylight- and Penumbra Model
* Sensor networked mobile robotics
* Shadow Detection in Dynamic Scenes Using Dense Stereo Information and an Outdoor Illumination Model
* Using Real Shadows to Create Virtual Ones
* View Point Variation in the Noise Sensitivity of Pose Estimation
* Viewpoint Planning Strategy for Determining True Angles on Polyhedral Objects by Camera Alignment, A
Includes: Madsen, C.B.[Claus B.] Madsen, C.B.[Claus Brøndgaard] Madsen, C.B.
20 for Madsen, C.B.
Madsen, D.[Dennis]
Co Author Listing * Closest Point Proposal for MCMC-based Probabilistic Surface Registration, A
* Probabilistic Joint Face-Skull Modelling for Facial Reconstruction
Includes: Madsen, D.[Dennis] Madsen, D.
Madsen, D.D.[David D.]
Co Author Listing * Digital range sensor system
Madsen, E.L.
Co Author Listing * Shear Wave Velocity Imaging Using Transient Electrode Perturbation: Phantom and ex vivo Validation
* Young's Modulus Reconstruction for Radio-Frequency Ablation Electrode-Induced Displacement Fields: A Feasibility Study
Madsen, J.[Jesper]
Co Author Listing * Disturbance Mapping in Arctic Tundra Improved by a Planning Workflow for Drone Studies: Advancing Tools for Future Ecosystem Monitoring
Madsen, J.B.
Co Author Listing * How wrong can you be: Perception of static orientation errors in mixed reality
Madsen, K.
Co Author Listing * Initialization and Optimization of Deformable Models
* Person Fall Detection Using Weakly Supervised Methods
* Quantitative Measurement of Changes in Retinal Vessel Diameter in Ocular Fundus Images
Includes: Madsen, K. Madsen, K.[Kjartan]
Madsen, K.H.[Kristoffer H.]
Co Author Listing * Model sparsity and brain pattern interpretation of classification models in neuroimaging
Madsen, M.D.[Matthew D.]
Co Author Listing * Monitoring Seedling Emergence, Growth, and Survival Using Repeat High-Resolution Imagery
Madsen, N.
Co Author Listing * Camera Calibration for Underwater 3D Reconstruction Based on Ray Tracing Using Snell's Law
Madsen, N.H.[Nels H.]
Co Author Listing * Method for capturing, measuring and analyzing motion
Madsen, N.M.
Co Author Listing * Calibration and Validation of the RapidScat Scatterometer Using Tropical Rainforests
* RapidScat Diurnal Cycles Over Land
Madsen, O.
Co Author Listing * Interactive Assembly Guide Using Augmented Reality
* System to Navigate a Robot into a Ship Structure, A
Includes: Madsen, O. Madsen, O.[Ole]
Madsen, R.E.
Co Author Listing * Pruning the vocabulary for better context recognition
Madsen, S.L.[Simon Leminen]
Co Author Listing * Disentangling Information in Artificial Images of Plant Seedlings Using Semi-Supervised GAN
* Open Plant Phenotype Database of Common Weeds in Denmark
Madsen, S.N.
Co Author Listing * Geometric calibration of ERS satellite SAR images
* Opposite-Side Ambiguities in Radar Sounding Interferometry
Madsen, T.C.[Thomas C.]
Co Author Listing * Product inspection method and apparatus
Madson, A.[Austin]
Co Author Listing * Automated Water Level Monitoring at the Continental Scale from ICESat-2 Photons
* Error Sources of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellites
* High-Resolution Spaceborne, Airborne and In Situ Landslide Kinematic Measurements of the Slumgullion Landslide in Southwest Colorado
* Reservoir Induced Deformation Analysis for Several Filling and Operational Scenarios at the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Impoundment