Index for otbe

Otberdout, N.[Naima] Co Author Listing * Auto-BPA: An Enhanced Ball-Pivoting Algorithm with Adaptive Radius using Contextual Bandits
* Dynamic Facial Expression Generation on Hilbert Hypersphere With Conditional Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Nets
* Florence 4D Facial Expression Dataset, The
* Hand pose estimation based on deep learning depth map for hand gesture recognition
* Human Motion Prediction Using Manifold-Aware Wasserstein GAN
* Interaction Transformer for Human Reaction Generation
* Metric Learning on the Manifold of Oriented Ellipses: Application to Facial Expression Recognition
* Sparse to Dense Dynamic 3D Facial Expression Generation
Includes: Otberdout, N.[Naima] Otberdout, N.
8 for Otberdout, N.

Index for "o"

Last update: 2-May-24 20:55:16
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