Index for sah_

Sah, A.K.[Anand Kumar] Co Author Listing * Cross-modal Contrastive Learning with Asymmetric Co-attention Network for Video Moment Retrieval
* Semi-automated Cloud/shadow Removal And Land Cover Change Detection Using Satellite Imagery
* Use Of Satellite Imagery To Guide Field Plot Sampling Scheme For Biomass Estimation In Ghanaian Forest, The
Includes: Sah, A.K.[Anand Kumar] Sah, A.K.

Sah, B.P. Co Author Listing * Semi-automated Cloud/shadow Removal And Land Cover Change Detection Using Satellite Imagery
* Use Of Satellite Imagery To Guide Field Plot Sampling Scheme For Biomass Estimation In Ghanaian Forest, The

Sah, M. Co Author Listing * Abnormal crowd behavior detection using novel optical flow-based features
* CODCA - Covid-19 Ontology for Data Collection and Analysis in E-health
* Player detection in field sports
* Semantic annotation of surveillance videos for abnormal crowd behaviour search and analysis
Includes: Sah, M. Sah, M.[Melike]

Sah, S. Co Author Listing * Adaptive hierarchical classification networks
* Batch-normalized recurrent highway networks
* DeepGEMM: Accelerated Ultra Low-Precision Inference on CPU Architectures using Lookup Tables
* General-Purpose Deep Point Cloud Feature Extractor
* GPU Accelerated Real Time Rotation, Scale and Translation Invariant Image Registration Method
* Image description through fusion based recurrent multi-modal learning
* Key frame extraction for salient activity recognition
* Multimodal Reconstruction Using Vector Representation
* Semantic Text Summarization of Long Videos
* Semantically Invariant Text-to-Image Generation
* Show, Translate and Tell
* Temporally Steered Gaussian Attention for Video Understanding
* Towards 3D convolutional neural networks with meshes
* YOLOBench: Benchmarking Efficient Object Detectors on Embedded Systems
Includes: Sah, S. Sah, S.[Sudhakar] Sah, S.[Shagan]
14 for Sah, S.

Index for "s"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:13:19
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