Index for tolo

Tolomei, C.[Cristiano] Co Author Listing * Coupling Flank Collapse and Magma Dynamics on Stratovolcanoes: The Mt. Etna Example from InSAR and GNSS Observations
* Deformation and Related Slip Due to the 2011 Van Earthquake (Turkey) Sequence Imaged by SAR Data and Numerical Modeling
* Earthquake Source Investigation of the Kanallaki, March 2020 Sequence (North-Western Greece) Based on Seismic and Geodetic Data
* Geohazards Monitoring and Assessment Using Multi-Source Earth Observation Techniques
* InSAR Campaign Reveals Ongoing Displacement Trends at High Impact Sites of Thessaloniki and Chalkidiki, Greece
* InSAR Time Series Analysis of Natural and Anthropogenic Coastal Plain Subsidence: The Case of Sibari (Southern Italy)
* Multitemporal and Multisensor InSAR Analysis for Ground Displacement Field Assessment at Ischia Volcanic Island (Italy)
* On the Segmentation of the Cephalonia-Lefkada Transform Fault Zone (Greece) from an InSAR Multi-Mode Dataset of the Lefkada 2015 Sequence
* Relative Sea-Level Rise Scenario for 2100 along the Coast of South Eastern Sicily (Italy) by InSAR Data, Satellite Images and High-Resolution Topography
* Subsidence Detected by Multi-Pass Differential SAR Interferometry in the Cassino Plain (Central Italy): Joint Effect of Geological and Anthropogenic Factors?
10 for Tolomei, C.

Tolomio, M.[Massimo] Co Author Listing * Bayesian Calibration of the Aquacrop-OS Model for Durum Wheat by Assimilation of Canopy Cover Retrieved from VENµS Satellite Data
* Dynamic Crop Models and Remote Sensing Irrigation Decision Support Systems: A Review of Water Stress Concepts for Improved Estimation of Water Requirements
* Evaluation of Agricultural Bare Soil Properties Retrieval from Landsat 8, Sentinel-2 and PRISMA Satellite Data
* Sino-EU Earth Observation Data to Support the Monitoring and Management of Agricultural Resources

Tolonen, T. Co Author Listing * Computer-aided breast cancer histopathological diagnosis: Comparative analysis of three DTOCS-based features: SW-DTOCS, SW-WDTOCS and SW-3-4-DTOCS
* Cytokeratin-Supervised Deep Learning for Automatic Recognition of Epithelial Cells in Breast Cancers Stained for ER, PR, and Ki-67

Tolooshams, B.[Bahareh] Co Author Listing * Gaussian Process Convolutional Dictionary Learning

Tolosa, A. Co Author Listing * Optical implementation of micro-zoom arrays for parallel focusing in integral imaging

Tolosana Delgado, R.[Raimon] Co Author Listing * Automated Multi-Scale and Multivariate Geological Logging from Drill-Core Hyperspectral Data
* Hierarchical Sparse Subspace Clustering (HESSC): An Automatic Approach for Hyperspectral Image Analysis
Includes: Tolosana Delgado, R.[Raimon] Tolosana-Delgado, R.[Raimon]

Tolosana, R.[Ruben] Co Author Listing * Analysing and Exploiting Complexity Information in On-line Signature Verification
* BeCAPTCHA-Type: Biometric Keystroke Data Generation for Improved Bot Detection
* BehavePassDB: Public Database for Mobile Behavioral Biometrics and Benchmark Evaluation
* Comprehensive Analysis of Factors Impacting Membership Inference, A
* Deepfakes Evolution: Analysis of Facial Regions and Fake Detection Performance
* Exploiting complexity in pen- and touch-based signature biometrics
* Exploring transformers for behavioural biometrics: A case study in gait recognition
* Fishing Gear Classification from Vessel Trajectories and Velocity Profiles: Database and Benchmark
* FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge in the Era of Synthetic Data
* GaitPrivacyON: Privacy-preserving mobile gait biometrics using unsupervised learning
* GANDiffFace: Controllable Generation of Synthetic Datasets for Face Recognition with Realistic Variations
* Incorporating Touch Biometrics to Mobile One-Time Passwords: Exploration of Digits
* mEBAL2 database and benchmark: Image-based multispectral eyeblink detection
* Mobile behavioral biometrics for passive authentication
* Mobile Keystroke Biometrics Using Transformers
* Multi-IVE: Privacy Enhancement of Multiple Soft-Biometrics in Face Embeddings
* Reducing the template ageing effect in on-line signature biometrics
* SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
* Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognition Challenge in the Era of Synthetic Data
* SensitiveNets: Learning Agnostic Representations with Application to Face Images
* SetMargin loss applied to deep keystroke biometrics with circle packing interpretation
* SVC-onGoing: Signature verification competition
Includes: Tolosana, R.[Ruben] Tolosana, R.
22 for Tolosana, R.

Toloubidokhti, M.[Maryam] Co Author Listing * Deep Adaptive Electrocardiographic Imaging with Generative Forward Model for Error Reduction
* Hybrid Neural State-Space Modeling for Supervised and Unsupervised Electrocardiographic Imaging
* Improving Generalization by Learning Geometry-Dependent and Physics-Based Reconstruction of Image Sequences

Tolouee, A. Co Author Listing * Texture Analysis in Lung HRCT Images

Tolozano Benites, R.[Roberto] Co Author Listing * Batch Simplification Algorithm for Trajectories over Road Networks
* Method for the Identification and Classification of Zones with Vehicular Congestion
Includes: Tolozano Benites, R.[Roberto] Tolozano-Benites, R.[Roberto]

Index for "t"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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