Index for kayh

Kayhan, C.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ayalti, S.: Patch-Level Nuclear Pleomorphism Scoring Using Convolution...
     with: Bozaba, E.: Patch-Level Nuclear Pleomorphism Scoring Using Convolution...
     with: Cayir, S.: Patch-Level Nuclear Pleomorphism Scoring Using Convolutiona...
     with: Iheme, L.O.: Patch-Level Nuclear Pleomorphism Scoring Using Convolutio...
     with: Ince, U.: Patch-Level Nuclear Pleomorphism Scoring Using Convolutional...
     with: Ozsoy, G.: Patch-Level Nuclear Pleomorphism Scoring Using Convolutiona...
     with: Solmaz, G.: Patch-Level Nuclear Pleomorphism Scoring Using Convolution...
     with: Tokat, F.: Patch-Level Nuclear Pleomorphism Scoring Using Convolutiona...
     with: Yazici, C.: Patch-Level Nuclear Pleomorphism Scoring Using Convolution...
9 for Kayhan, C.K.

Kayhan, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Haqiqatnejad, A.: Constructive Interference for Generic Constellations
     with: Haqiqatnejad, A.: Power Minimizer Symbol-Level Precoding: A Closed-For...
     with: Ottersten, B.: Constructive Interference for Generic Constellations
     with: Ottersten, B.: Power Minimizer Symbol-Level Precoding: A Closed-Form S...

Kayhan, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Eslami, A.: Deep Attention Based Semi-supervised 2d-pose Estimation fo...
     with: Kopuklu, O.: Deep Attention Based Semi-supervised 2d-pose Estimation f...
     with: Rigoll, G.: Deep Attention Based Semi-supervised 2d-pose Estimation fo...
     with: Sarhan, M.H.: Deep Attention Based Semi-supervised 2d-pose Estimation ...
     with: Yigitsoy, M.: Deep Attention Based Semi-supervised 2d-pose Estimation ...

Kayhan, O.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Inel, O.: Humans Disagree With the IoU for Measuring Object Detector L...
     with: Poorgholi, S.: t-eva: Time-efficient t-sne Video Annotation
     with: Pytel, R.: Tilting at windmills: Data augmentation for deep pose estim...
     with: Rajasekart, V.: Humans Disagree With the IoU for Measuring Object Dete...
     with: Strafforello, O.: Humans Disagree With the IoU for Measuring Object De...
     with: van Gemert, J.: Humans Disagree With the IoU for Measuring Object Dete...
     with: van Gemert, J.C.: Hallucination In Object Detection: A Study In Visual...
     with: van Gemert, J.C.: PUNet: Temporal Action Proposal Generation With Posi...
     with: van Gemert, J.C.: t-eva: Time-efficient t-sne Video Annotation
     with: van Gemert, J.C.: Tilting at windmills: Data augmentation for deep pos...
     with: Vredebregt, B.: Hallucination In Object Detection: A Study In Visual P...
     with: Zia, N.U.: PUNet: Temporal Action Proposal Generation With Positive Un...
12 for Kayhan, O.S.

Kayhanian, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alexander, D.C.: Three-dimensional tumour microenvironment reconstruct...
     with: Barmpoutis, P.: Three-dimensional tumour microenvironment reconstructi...
     with: Jansen, M.: Three-dimensional tumour microenvironment reconstruction a...
     with: Waddingham, W.: Three-dimensional tumour microenvironment reconstructi...

Kayhko, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Eerola, T.: Estimation of Bubble Size Distribution Based on Power Spec...
     with: Eerola, T.: Framework for developing image-based dirt particle classif...
     with: Fouladgaran, M.P.: Automated Counting and Characterization of Dirt Par...
     with: Ilonen, J.: Estimation of Bubble Size Distribution Based on Power Spec...
     with: Kalviainen, H.: Automated Counting and Characterization of Dirt Partic...
     with: Kalviainen, H.: Estimation of Bubble Size Distribution Based on Power ...
     with: Kalviainen, H.: Framework for developing image-based dirt particle cla...
     with: Lensu, L.: Automated Counting and Characterization of Dirt Particles i...
     with: Lensu, L.: Estimation of Bubble Size Distribution Based on Power Spect...
     with: Lensu, L.: Framework for developing image-based dirt particle classifi...
     with: Mankki, A.: Automated Counting and Characterization of Dirt Particles ...
     with: Mankki, A.: Framework for developing image-based dirt particle classif...
     with: Mutikainen, H.: Estimation of Bubble Size Distribution Based on Power ...
     with: Strokina, N.: Framework for developing image-based dirt particle class...
14 for Kayhko, J.

Kayhko, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: d'Annunzio, R.: Participatory mapping of forest plantations with Open ...
     with: Koskikala, J.: Mapping Natural Forest Remnants with Multi-Source and M...
     with: Koskinen, J.: Participatory mapping of forest plantations with Open Fo...
     with: Kukkonen, M.: Mapping Natural Forest Remnants with Multi-Source and Mu...
     with: Leinonen, U.: Participatory mapping of forest plantations with Open Fo...
     with: Lindquist, E.: Participatory mapping of forest plantations with Open F...
     with: Ortmann, A.: Participatory mapping of forest plantations with Open For...
     with: Pekkarinen, A.: Participatory mapping of forest plantations with Open ...
     with: Pitkanen, T.P.: Reducing classification error of grassland overgrowth ...
     with: Vollrath, A.: Participatory mapping of forest plantations with Open Fo...
10 for Kayhko, N.

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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