Index for keck

Keck, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bohm, M.: Improving the performance of interferometric imaging through...
     with: Gluck, M.: Improving the performance of interferometric imaging throug...
     with: Pott, J.U.: Improving the performance of interferometric imaging throu...
     with: Sawodny, O.: Improving the performance of interferometric imaging thro...

Keck, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ataer Cansizoglu, E.: Structure-based level set method for automatic r...
     with: Chiang, M.: Structure-based level set method for automatic retinal vas...
     with: Dizdarolu, B.: Structure-based level set method for automatic retinal ...
     with: Erdogmus, D.: Structure-based level set method for automatic retinal v...
     with: Kalpathy Cramer, J.: Structure-based level set method for automatic re...

Keck, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Galup, L.: Real-time tracking of low-resolution vehicles for wide-area...
     with: Stauffer, C.: Real-time tracking of low-resolution vehicles for wide-a...

Keck, M.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Davis, J.W.: 3D occlusion recovery using few cameras
     with: Davis, J.W.: Kernel-Based 3D Tracking
     with: Davis, J.W.: Multiview fusion for canonical view generation based on h...
     with: Davis, J.W.: Recovery and Reasoning About Occlusions in 3D Using Few C...
     with: Davis, J.W.: Tracking mean shift clustered point clouds for 3D surveil...
     with: Davis, J.W.: Two-Stage Template Approach to Person Detection in Therma...
     with: Potamianos, G.: Kernel-Based 3D Tracking
     with: Tyagi, A.: Kernel-Based 3D Tracking
     with: Tyagi, A.: Multiview fusion for canonical view generation based on hom...
     with: Tyagi, A.: Tracking mean shift clustered point clouds for 3D surveilla...
10 for Keck, M.A.

Keckeisen, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bukhari, S.S.: ProAI: An Efficient Embedded AI Hardware for Automotive...
     with: Heuer, F.: ProAI: An Efficient Embedded AI Hardware for Automotive App...
     with: Mantowsky, S.: ProAI: An Efficient Embedded AI Hardware for Automotive...
     with: Schneider, G.: ProAI: An Efficient Embedded AI Hardware for Automotive...

Keckhut, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abbaki, S.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essen...
     with: Abbaki, S.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Meas...
     with: Aboulila, A.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Ess...
     with: Alba, A.B.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essen...
     with: Ancelin, S.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Arrateig, X.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Ess...
     with: Arrateig, X.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Me...
     with: Avelino, Y.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Azoulay, B.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Baron, A.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceani...
     with: Begue, N.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceani...
     with: Bekki, S.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibration o...
     with: Bekki, S.: Assessing Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Capabilities Using SolA...
     with: Bekki, S.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Ener...
     with: Bekki, S.: New Method Based on a Multilayer Perceptron Network to Dete...
     with: Bekki, S.: Uvsq-Sat NG, a New CubeSat Pathfinder for Monitoring Earth ...
     with: Bekki, S.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essent...
     with: Bekki, S.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Measu...
     with: Bellisario, C.: Case Study of a Mesospheric Temperature Inversion over...
     with: Bencherif, H.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oc...
     with: Berthet, G.: Case Study of a Mesospheric Temperature Inversion over Ma...
     with: Berthet, G.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Ocea...
     with: Bertran, E.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibration...
     with: Bertran, E.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Bertran, E.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Esse...
     with: Bertran, E.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Mea...
     with: Billard, C.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibration...
     with: Billard, C.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Billard, C.: Uvsq-Sat NG, a New CubeSat Pathfinder for Monitoring Eart...
     with: Bolsee, D.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibration ...
     with: Bolsee, D.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Ene...
     with: Boust, F.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Ener...
     with: Boust, F.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Measu...
     with: Bouteraon, T.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's ...
     with: Bouteraon, T.: New Method Based on a Multilayer Perceptron Network to ...
     with: Bouteraon, T.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit M...
     with: Bove, P.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essenti...
     with: Brand, C.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Ener...
     with: Brodu, E.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibration o...
     with: Bui, A.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essentia...
     with: Caignard, N.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibratio...
     with: Caignard, N.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's E...
     with: Caignard, N.: Uvsq-Sat NG, a New CubeSat Pathfinder for Monitoring Ear...
     with: Caignard, N.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Me...
     with: Carta, J.P.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Esse...
     with: Carta, J.P.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Mea...
     with: Chandran, A.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibratio...
     with: Chandran, A.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Ess...
     with: Chang, L.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibration o...
     with: Chang, L.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essent...
     with: Clavier, C.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibration...
     with: Clavier, C.: Assessing Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Capabilities Using So...
     with: Clavier, C.: Uvsq-Sat NG, a New CubeSat Pathfinder for Monitoring Eart...
     with: Clerbaux, C.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oce...
     with: Coheur, P.F.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oce...
     with: d'Andon, O.H.F.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibra...
     with: d'Andon, O.H.F.: Assessing Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Capabilities Usin...
     with: d'Andon, O.H.F.: Uvsq-Sat NG, a New CubeSat Pathfinder for Monitoring ...
     with: d'Andon, O.H.F.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit...
     with: da Costa Louro, P.: Limb Temperature Observations in the Stratosphere ...
     with: Dahoo, P.R.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibration...
     with: Dahoo, P.R.: Assessing Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Capabilities Using So...
     with: Dahoo, P.R.: Uvsq-Sat NG, a New CubeSat Pathfinder for Monitoring Eart...
     with: Dahoo, P.R.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Esse...
     with: Dame, L.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibration of...
     with: Dame, L.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Energ...
     with: Dame, L.: New Method Based on a Multilayer Perceptron Network to Deter...
     with: Dame, L.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essenti...
     with: Dame, L.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Measur...
     with: Dias, C.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Energ...
     with: Dominguez, C.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's ...
     with: Duflot, V.: Lidar measurements for water vapor vertical profiles up t...
     with: Duflot, V.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Ocean...
     with: Dufour, C.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibration ...
     with: Dufour, C.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Ene...
     with: Dufour, C.: New Method Based on a Multilayer Perceptron Network to Det...
     with: Dufour, C.: Uvsq-Sat NG, a New CubeSat Pathfinder for Monitoring Earth...
     with: Dufour, C.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essen...
     with: Dufour, C.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Meas...
     with: Engler, J.L.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibratio...
     with: Engler, J.L.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's E...
     with: Engler, J.L.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Me...
     with: Ferreira, F.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibratio...
     with: Ferreira, F.: Uvsq-Sat NG, a New CubeSat Pathfinder for Monitoring Ear...
     with: Finance, A.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Finance, A.: New Method Based on a Multilayer Perceptron Network to De...
     with: Finance, A.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Mea...
     with: Galopeau, P.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibratio...
     with: Galopeau, P.: Assessing Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Capabilities Using S...
     with: Galopeau, P.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's E...
     with: Galopeau, P.: Uvsq-Sat NG, a New CubeSat Pathfinder for Monitoring Ear...
     with: Galopeau, P.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Me...
     with: Gilbert, P.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibration...
     with: Gilbert, P.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Gilbert, P.: Uvsq-Sat NG, a New CubeSat Pathfinder for Monitoring Eart...
     with: Gilbert, P.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Esse...
     with: Gilbert, P.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Mea...
     with: Grossel, K.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Haasz, A.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Ener...
     with: Hauchecorne, A.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibra...
     with: Hauchecorne, A.: Assessing Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Capabilities Usin...
     with: Hauchecorne, A.: Case Study of a Mesospheric Temperature Inversion ove...
     with: Hauchecorne, A.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth'...
     with: Hauchecorne, A.: Limb Temperature Observations in the Stratosphere and...
     with: Hauchecorne, A.: New Method Based on a Multilayer Perceptron Network t...
     with: Hauchecorne, A.: SOLAR-HRS New High-Resolution Solar Spectra for Disk-...
     with: Hauchecorne, A.: Uvsq-Sat NG, a New CubeSat Pathfinder for Monitoring ...
     with: Hauchecorne, A.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing ...
     with: Hauchecorne, A.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit...
     with: Jaross, G.: Limb Temperature Observations in the Stratosphere and Meso...
     with: Jegou, F.: Case Study of a Mesospheric Temperature Inversion over Maid...
     with: Jegou, F.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceani...
     with: Khaykin, S.: Case Study of a Mesospheric Temperature Inversion over Ma...
     with: Khaykin, S.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Ocea...
     with: Kloss, C.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceani...
     with: Krysztofiak, G.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over ...
     with: Lacroix, P.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Lacroix, P.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Mea...
     with: Lapauw, L.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essen...
     with: Lapauw, L.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Meas...
     with: Le Pichon, A.: Case Study of a Mesospheric Temperature Inversion over ...
     with: Lefevre, F.: Assessing Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Capabilities Using So...
     with: Lefevre, F.: Uvsq-Sat NG, a New CubeSat Pathfinder for Monitoring Eart...
     with: Li, T.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essential...
     with: Listowski, C.: Case Study of a Mesospheric Temperature Inversion over ...
     with: Mahe, M.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essenti...
     with: Mahe, M.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Measur...
     with: Mangin, A.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibration ...
     with: Mangin, A.: Assessing Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Capabilities Using Sol...
     with: Mangin, A.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Ene...
     with: Mangin, A.: Limb Temperature Observations in the Stratosphere and Meso...
     with: Mangin, A.: New Method Based on a Multilayer Perceptron Network to Det...
     with: Mangin, A.: Uvsq-Sat NG, a New CubeSat Pathfinder for Monitoring Earth...
     with: Mangin, A.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Meas...
     with: Maso, P.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibration of...
     with: Maso, P.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Energ...
     with: Maso, P.: Uvsq-Sat NG, a New CubeSat Pathfinder for Monitoring Earth O...
     with: Mathieu, S.: Uvsq-Sat NG, a New CubeSat Pathfinder for Monitoring Eart...
     with: Meftah, M.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibration ...
     with: Meftah, M.: Assessing Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Capabilities Using Sol...
     with: Meftah, M.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Ene...
     with: Meftah, M.: Limb Temperature Observations in the Stratosphere and Meso...
     with: Meftah, M.: New Method Based on a Multilayer Perceptron Network to Det...
     with: Meftah, M.: SOLAR-HRS New High-Resolution Solar Spectra for Disk-Integ...
     with: Meftah, M.: Uvsq-Sat NG, a New CubeSat Pathfinder for Monitoring Earth...
     with: Meftah, M.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essen...
     with: Meftah, M.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Meas...
     with: Mercier, C.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Mercier, C.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Esse...
     with: Mercier, C.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Mea...
     with: Minet, A.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibration o...
     with: Ming, F.C.: Case Study of a Mesospheric Temperature Inversion over Mai...
     with: Montaron, C.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibratio...
     with: Muscat, N.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essen...
     with: Paskeviciute, A.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth...
     with: Paskeviciute, A.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing...
     with: Payen, G.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceani...
     with: Pazmino, A.: Uvsq-Sat NG, a New CubeSat Pathfinder for Monitoring Eart...
     with: Pereira, N.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibration...
     with: Portafaix, T.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oc...
     with: Pradel, G.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essen...
     with: Querel, R.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Ocean...
     with: Rannou, V.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Ene...
     with: Robinson, J.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oce...
     with: Rogers, D.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essen...
     with: Romand, F.: Assessing Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Capabilities Using Sol...
     with: Saillant, S.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's E...
     with: Sandana, E.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Esse...
     with: Sarkissian, A.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibrat...
     with: Sarkissian, A.: Assessing Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Capabilities Using...
     with: Sarkissian, A.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's...
     with: Sarkissian, A.: New Method Based on a Multilayer Perceptron Network to...
     with: Sarkissian, A.: SOLAR-HRS New High-Resolution Solar Spectra for Disk-I...
     with: Sarkissian, A.: Uvsq-Sat NG, a New CubeSat Pathfinder for Monitoring E...
     with: Sarkissian, A.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing E...
     with: Sarkissian, A.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit ...
     with: Segura, K.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Ene...
     with: Segura, K.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essen...
     with: Simoneau, P.: Case Study of a Mesospheric Temperature Inversion over M...
     with: Smale, D.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceani...
     with: Smale, P.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Oceani...
     with: Stee, V.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's Energ...
     with: Teherani, F.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Ess...
     with: Tidiga, M.: Case Study of a Mesospheric Temperature Inversion over Mai...
     with: Tremoulu, S.: Case Study of a Mesospheric Temperature Inversion over M...
     with: van Laeken, L.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibrat...
     with: Veremes, H.: Lidar measurements for water vapor vertical profiles up ...
     with: Veremes, H.: Transport and Variability of Tropospheric Ozone over Ocea...
     with: Vieau, A.J.: Advancing CubeSats Capabilities: Ground-Based Calibration...
     with: Vieau, A.J.: INSPIRE-SAT 7, a Second CubeSat to Measure the Earth's En...
     with: Vieau, A.J.: Uvsq-Sat NG, a New CubeSat Pathfinder for Monitoring Eart...
     with: Vieau, A.J.: UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Esse...
     with: Vieau, A.J.: UVSQ-SAT/INSPIRESat-5 CubeSat Mission: First In-Orbit Mea...
     with: Ye, J.C.: Lidar measurements for water vapor vertical profiles up to ...
194 for Keckhut, P.

Keckler, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alvarez, J.M.: Augmenting Legacy Networks for Flexible Inference
     with: Clemons, J.: Augmenting Legacy Networks for Flexible Inference
     with: Frosio, I.: Augmenting Legacy Networks for Flexible Inference
     with: Shen, M.: Augmenting Legacy Networks for Flexible Inference

Kecklund, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahlstrom, C.: Real-Time Adaptation of Driving Time and Rest Periods in...
     with: Akerstedt, T.: Detecting Driver Sleepiness Using Optimized Nonlinear C...
     with: Anund, A.: Detecting Driver Sleepiness Using Optimized Nonlinear Combi...
     with: Anund, A.: Real-Time Adaptation of Driving Time and Rest Periods in Au...
     with: Finer, S.: Real-Time Adaptation of Driving Time and Rest Periods in Au...
     with: Jansson, H.: Real-Time Adaptation of Driving Time and Rest Periods in ...
     with: Krupenia, S.: Real-Time Adaptation of Driving Time and Rest Periods in...
     with: Sandberg, D.: Detecting Driver Sleepiness Using Optimized Nonlinear Co...
     with: van Leeuwen, W.: Real-Time Adaptation of Driving Time and Rest Periods...
     with: Wahde, M.: Detecting Driver Sleepiness Using Optimized Nonlinear Combi...
10 for Kecklund, G.

Keckstein, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Keckstein, S.: Glenda: Gynecologic Laparoscopy Endometriosis Dataset
     with: Kletz, S.: Glenda: Gynecologic Laparoscopy Endometriosis Dataset
     with: Leibetseder, A.: Glenda: Gynecologic Laparoscopy Endometriosis Dataset
     with: Schoeffmann, K.: Glenda: Gynecologic Laparoscopy Endometriosis Dataset

Keckstein, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Keckstein, J.: Glenda: Gynecologic Laparoscopy Endometriosis Dataset
     with: Kletz, S.: Glenda: Gynecologic Laparoscopy Endometriosis Dataset
     with: Leibetseder, A.: Glenda: Gynecologic Laparoscopy Endometriosis Dataset
     with: Schoeffmann, K.: Glenda: Gynecologic Laparoscopy Endometriosis Dataset

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
Use for comments.