Index for kett

Kett, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bazin, A.I.: Automated System for Contact Lens Inspection, An
     with: Cole, T.: Automated System for Contact Lens Inspection, An
     with: Nixon, M.S.: Automated System for Contact Lens Inspection, An

Kettebeko, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Krahnstoever, N.: Multimodal human-computer interaction for crisis man...
     with: Schapira, E.: Multimodal human-computer interaction for crisis managem...
     with: Sharma, R.: Multimodal human-computer interaction for crisis managemen...

Kettebekov, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Sharma, R.: Improving continuous gesture recognition with spoken prosody
     with: Yeasin, M.: Improving continuous gesture recognition with spoken prosody

Kettelgerdes, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Elger, G.: Precise Adverse Weather Characterization by Deep-Learning-B...
     with: Erdogan, H.: Precise Adverse Weather Characterization by Deep-Learning...
     with: Sarmiento, N.: Precise Adverse Weather Characterization by Deep-Learni...
     with: Wunderle, B.: Precise Adverse Weather Characterization by Deep-Learnin...

Ketter, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abou Mahmoud, M.E.: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integrated with the ...
     with: Bazhenova, E.: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integrated with the Unman...
     with: Bohan, A.: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integrated with the Unmanned ...
     with: Dorshow, W.: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integrated with the Unmanne...
     with: Falconer, R.: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integrated with the Unmann...
     with: Proctor, A.: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integrated with the Unmanne...
     with: Roperez, J.: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integrated with the Unmanne...
     with: Ryzhov, I.: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integrated with the Unmanned...
     with: Sade, H.: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integrated with the Unmanned S...
     with: Sattiabaruth, S.: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integrated with the Un...
     with: Simpson, B.: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integrated with the Unmanne...
     with: Sumiyoshi, M.: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integrated with the Unman...
     with: Tinmouth, N.: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integrated with the Unmann...
     with: Wallace, C.: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integrated with the Unmanne...
     with: Wigley, R.: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integrated with the Unmanned...
     with: Zarayskaya, Y.: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integrated with the Unma...
     with: Zwolak, K.: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Integrated with the Unmanned...
17 for Ketter, T.

Ketter, W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, L.: General Scenario-Agnostic Reinforcement Learning for Traffic ...
     with: Jiang, H.Y.: General Scenario-Agnostic Reinforcement Learning for Traf...
     with: Li, Z.: General Scenario-Agnostic Reinforcement Learning for Traffic S...
     with: Li, Z.Y.: General Scenario-Agnostic Reinforcement Learning for Traffic...
     with: Mao, H.: General Scenario-Agnostic Reinforcement Learning for Traffic ...
     with: Zhao, R.: General Scenario-Agnostic Reinforcement Learning for Traffic...

Ketterer, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Buhmann, J.M.: On Spatial Quantization of Color Images
     with: Fellner, D.: On Spatial Quantization of Color Images
     with: Held, M.: On Spatial Quantization of Color Images
     with: Puzicha, J.: On Spatial Quantization of Color Images
8 for Ketterer, J.

Kettering, G.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kanter, I.: Confirmed boundary pattern matching II
     with: Peregrim, T.J.: Confirmed boundary pattern matching II

Ketterings, Q.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cho, J.: Corn Grain Yield Prediction and Mapping from Unmanned Aerial ...
     with: Czymmek, K.J.: Corn Grain Yield Prediction and Mapping from Unmanned A...
     with: Guinness, J.: Corn Grain Yield Prediction and Mapping from Unmanned Ae...
     with: Kindred, D.R.: Exploring the Use of High-Resolution Satellite Images t...
     with: Marcaida, M.: Exploring the Use of High-Resolution Satellite Images to...
     with: Subhashree, S.N.: Exploring the Use of High-Resolution Satellite Image...
     with: Sunoj, S.: Corn Grain Yield Prediction and Mapping from Unmanned Aeria...
     with: Sunoj, S.: Exploring the Use of High-Resolution Satellite Images to Es...
     with: Thompson, L.J.: Exploring the Use of High-Resolution Satellite Images ...
     with: van Aardt, J.: Corn Grain Yield Prediction and Mapping from Unmanned A...
10 for Ketterings, Q.M.

Ketterl, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alqassis, A.: wireless robotic video laparo-endoscope for minimal inva...
     with: Castro, C.A.: wireless robotic video laparo-endoscope for minimal inva...
     with: Gitlin, R.D.: wireless robotic video laparo-endoscope for minimal inva...
     with: Savage, P.P.: wireless robotic video laparo-endoscope for minimal inva...
     with: Smith, S.: wireless robotic video laparo-endoscope for minimal invasiv...
     with: Sun, Y.: wireless robotic video laparo-endoscope for minimal invasive ...

Ketterlin, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gancarski, P.: global averaging method for dynamic time warping, with ...
     with: Petitjean, F.: global averaging method for dynamic time warping, with ...

Ketterling, J.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aristizabal, O.: Nested Graph Cut for Automatic Segmentation of High-F...
     with: Kuo, J.W.: Nested Graph Cut for Automatic Segmentation of High-Frequen...
     with: Mamou, J.: Nested Graph Cut for Automatic Segmentation of High-Frequen...
     with: Wang, Y.: Nested Graph Cut for Automatic Segmentation of High-Frequenc...
     with: Zhao, X.: Nested Graph Cut for Automatic Segmentation of High-Frequenc...

Kettern, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Eisert, P.: Deformable image alignment as a source of stereo correspon...
     with: Eisert, P.: Hybrid Approach for Facial Performance Analysis and Editin...
     with: Hilsmann, A.: Deformable image alignment as a source of stereo corresp...
     with: Hilsmann, A.: Hybrid Approach for Facial Performance Analysis and Edit...
     with: Paier, W.: Hybrid Approach for Facial Performance Analysis and Editing...
     with: Schneider, D.C.: Deformable image alignment as a source of stereo corr...

Kettig, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Colin, J.: Assessment of the Performance of the Atmospheric Correction...
     with: Coustance, S.: Assessment of the Performance of the Atmospheric Correc...
     with: Hagolle, O.: Assessment of the Performance of the Atmospheric Correcti...
     with: Landier, L.: Assessment of the Performance of the Atmospheric Correcti...
     with: Meygret, A.: Assessment of the Performance of the Atmospheric Correcti...
     with: Osman, J.: Assessment of the Performance of the Atmospheric Correction...
     with: Vermote, E.: Assessment of the Performance of the Atmospheric Correcti...
7 for Kettig, P.

Kettig, R.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Landgrebe, D.A.: Computer Classification of Remotely Sensed Multispect...

Kettimuthu, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bicer, T.: 3d Autoencoders for Feature Extraction In X-Ray Tomography
     with: de Carlo, F.: 3d Autoencoders for Feature Extraction In X-Ray Tomography
     with: Foster, I.: 3d Autoencoders for Feature Extraction In X-Ray Tomography
     with: Kenesei, P.: 3d Autoencoders for Feature Extraction In X-Ray Tomography
     with: Liu, Z.C.: 3d Autoencoders for Feature Extraction In X-Ray Tomography
     with: Tekawade, A.: 3d Autoencoders for Feature Extraction In X-Ray Tomography

Kettle, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kusy, B.: Multi-species Seagrass Detection and Classification from Und...
     with: Maire, F.: Multi-species Seagrass Detection and Classification from Un...
     with: Marchant, R.: Multi-species Seagrass Detection and Classification from...
     with: Moghadam, P.: Multi-species Seagrass Detection and Classification from...
     with: Raine, S.: Multi-species Seagrass Detection and Classification from Un...

Kettler, D.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Howe, R.D.: Robotic motion compensation for beating intracardiac surgery
     with: Yuen, S.G.: Robotic motion compensation for beating intracardiac surgery

Kettler, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baker, R.G.: Method and apparatus for hemispheric imaging which emphas...
     with: Freedenberg, C.J.F.: Method and apparatus for hemispheric imaging whic...
     with: Suarez, G.A.: Method and apparatus for hemispheric imaging which empha...
     with: Uplinger, K.A.: Method and apparatus for hemispheric imaging which emp...

Kettnaker, V.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brand, M.: Discovery and Segmentation of Activities in Video
     with: Brand, M.: Minimum-entropy models of scene activity
     with: Gahm, J.K.: Closed-loop person tracking and detection
     with: Zabih, R.: Bayesian Multi-camera Surveillance

Kettner, A.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brakenridge, G.R.: Assisting Flood Disaster Response with Earth Observ...
     with: Kashif, R.: Assisting Flood Disaster Response with Earth Observation D...
     with: Niebuhr, E.: Assisting Flood Disaster Response with Earth Observation ...
     with: Schumann, G.J.P.: Assisting Flood Disaster Response with Earth Observa...

Kettunen, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Colliander, A.: Calibration of End-to-End Phase Imbalance of Polarimet...
     with: Hallikainen, M.T.: Calibration of End-to-End Phase Imbalance of Polari...

Kettunen, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Grohn, O.: State Estimation with Structural Priors in fMRI
     with: Huttunen, J.: State Estimation with Structural Priors in fMRI
     with: Kolehmainen, V.: State Estimation with Structural Priors in fMRI
     with: Vauhkonen, M.: State Estimation with Structural Priors in fMRI
     with: Wettenhovi, V.V.: State Estimation with Structural Priors in fMRI

Kettunen, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Koski, C.: Mapping Small Watercourses from DEMs with Deep Learning: Ex...
     with: Oksanen, J.: Mapping Small Watercourses from DEMs with Deep Learning: ...
     with: Poutanen, J.: Mapping Small Watercourses from DEMs with Deep Learning:...
     with: Zhu, L.: Mapping Small Watercourses from DEMs with Deep Learning: Expl...

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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