Index for koul

Koul, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Becchio, C.: What Will I Do Next? The Intention from Motion Experiment
     with: Cavallo, A.: What Will I Do Next? The Intention from Motion Experiment
     with: Cavazza, J.: What Will I Do Next? The Intention from Motion Experiment
     with: Chen, B.Q.: Learn-to-Race: A Multimodal Control Environment for Autono...
     with: Francis, J.: Learn-to-Race: A Multimodal Control Environment for Auton...
     with: Ganju, S.: Learn-to-Race: A Multimodal Control Environment for Autonom...
     with: Gupta, A.: Learn-to-Race: A Multimodal Control Environment for Autonom...
     with: Herman, J.: Learn-to-Race: A Multimodal Control Environment for Autono...
     with: Kumskoy, M.: Learn-to-Race: A Multimodal Control Environment for Auton...
     with: Murino, V.: What Will I Do Next? The Intention from Motion Experiment
     with: Nyberg, E.: Learn-to-Race: A Multimodal Control Environment for Autono...
     with: Skabelkin, A.: Learn-to-Race: A Multimodal Control Environment for Aut...
     with: Zhukov, I.: Learn-to-Race: A Multimodal Control Environment for Autono...
     with: Zunino, A.: What Will I Do Next? The Intention from Motion Experiment
14 for Koul, A.

Koulakis, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Martinez, M.: Is My Driver Observation Model Overconfident? Input-Guid...
     with: Peng, K.: Affect-DML: Context-Aware One-Shot Recognition of Human Affe...
     with: Peng, K.Y.: Is My Driver Observation Model Overconfident? Input-Guided...
     with: Roitberg, A.: Affect-DML: Context-Aware One-Shot Recognition of Human ...
     with: Roitberg, A.: Is My Driver Observation Model Overconfident? Input-Guid...
     with: Sarfraz, M.S.: Hierarchical Nearest Neighbor Graph Embedding for Effic...
     with: Schneider, D.: Affect-DML: Context-Aware One-Shot Recognition of Human...
     with: Schneider, D.: Is My Driver Observation Model Overconfident? Input-Gui...
     with: Seibold, C.: Hierarchical Nearest Neighbor Graph Embedding for Efficie...
     with: Stiefelhagen, R.: Affect-DML: Context-Aware One-Shot Recognition of Hu...
     with: Stiefelhagen, R.: Hierarchical Nearest Neighbor Graph Embedding for Ef...
     with: Stiefelhagen, R.: Is My Driver Observation Model Overconfident? Input-...
     with: Yang, K.L.: Affect-DML: Context-Aware One-Shot Recognition of Human Af...
     with: Yang, K.L.: Is My Driver Observation Model Overconfident? Input-Guided...
14 for Koulakis, M.

Koulali, M.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Koulali, R.: Feature Selection as a Hedonic Coalition Formation Game f...

Koulali, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Koulali, M.A.: Feature Selection as a Hedonic Coalition Formation Game...

Koulalis, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chatzistavros, K.: Imageability-Based Multi-modal Analysis of Urban En...
     with: Diplaris, S.: Imageability-Based Multi-modal Analysis of Urban Environ...
     with: Garcia, A.T.: Imageability-Based Multi-modal Analysis of Urban Environ...
     with: Georgakopoulou, N.: Imageability-Based Multi-modal Analysis of Urban E...
     with: Kompatsiaris, I.: Imageability-Based Multi-modal Analysis of Urban Env...
     with: Pistola, T.: Imageability-Based Multi-modal Analysis of Urban Environm...
     with: Shvets, A.: Imageability-Based Multi-modal Analysis of Urban Environme...
     with: Vrochidis, S.: Imageability-Based Multi-modal Analysis of Urban Enviro...
     with: Wanner, L.: Imageability-Based Multi-modal Analysis of Urban Environme...
     with: Xefteris, V.R.: Imageability-Based Multi-modal Analysis of Urban Envir...
10 for Koulalis, I.

Koulamas, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Karayiannis, Y.: Real-Time Vision-Based System for Textile Fabric Insp...
     with: Koubias, S.: Real-Time Vision-Based System for Textile Fabric Inspection
     with: Mitropulos, P.: Real-Time Vision-Based System for Textile Fabric Inspe...
     with: Papadopoulos, G.: Real-Time Vision-Based System for Textile Fabric Ins...
     with: Stojanovic, R.: Real-Time Vision-Based System for Textile Fabric Inspe...

Koulaouzidis, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Diamantis, D.: Investigating Cross-Dataset Abnormality Detection in En...
     with: Georgakopoulos, S.V.: Detecting and Locating Gastrointestinal Anomalie...
     with: Iakovidis, D.K.: Automatic lesion detection in wireless capsule endosc...
     with: Iakovidis, D.K.: Detecting and Locating Gastrointestinal Anomalies Usi...
     with: Iakovidis, D.K.: Investigating Cross-Dataset Abnormality Detection in ...
     with: Iakovidis, D.K.: Weakly-Supervised Lesion Detection in Video Capsule E...
     with: Plagianakos, V.P.: Detecting and Locating Gastrointestinal Anomalies U...
     with: Spyrou, E.: Weakly-Supervised Lesion Detection in Video Capsule Endosc...
     with: Vasilakakis, M.: Detecting and Locating Gastrointestinal Anomalies Usi...
     with: Vasilakakis, M.: Weakly-Supervised Lesion Detection in Video Capsule E...
10 for Koulaouzidis, A.

Koulermou, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Loukidis, D.: Seasonal Ground Movement Due to Swelling/Shrinkage of Ni...
     with: Tzampoglou, P.: Seasonal Ground Movement Due to Swelling/Shrinkage of ...

Koulgi, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: Graphical Model-Based Tracking of Curvilinear Structu...
     with: Rose, K.: Graphical Model-Based Tracking of Curvilinear Structures in ...
     with: Sargin, M.E.: Graphical Model-Based Tracking of Curvilinear Structures...

Kouli, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Atzori, S.: 2021 Greece Central Crete ML 5.8 Earthquake: An Example of...
     with: Caputo, R.: 2021 Greece Central Crete ML 5.8 Earthquake: An Example of...
     with: Cecere, G.: 2021 Greece Central Crete ML 5.8 Earthquake: An Example of...
     with: d'Ambrosio, C.: 2021 Greece Central Crete ML 5.8 Earthquake: An Exampl...
     with: Famiglietti, N.A.: 2021 Greece Central Crete ML 5.8 Earthquake: An Exa...
     with: Golshadi, Z.: 2021 Greece Central Crete ML 5.8 Earthquake: An Example ...
     with: Moschillo, R.: 2021 Greece Central Crete ML 5.8 Earthquake: An Example...
     with: Peleli, S.: Satellite-Observed Thermal Anomalies and Deformation Patte...
     with: Sakkas, V.: 2021 Greece Central Crete ML 5.8 Earthquake: An Example of...
     with: Vallianatos, F.: 2021 Greece Central Crete ML 5.8 Earthquake: An Examp...
     with: Vallianatos, F.: Satellite-Observed Thermal Anomalies and Deformation ...
     with: Vicari, A.: 2021 Greece Central Crete ML 5.8 Earthquake: An Example of...
12 for Kouli, M.

Koulibaly, P.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barlaud, M.: Poisson statistic and half-quadratic regularization for e...
     with: Blanc Feraud, L.: Poisson statistic and half-quadratic regularization ...
     with: Charbonnier, P.: Poisson statistic and half-quadratic regularization f...
     with: Charnoz, A.: Toward Accurate Segmentation of the LV Myocardium and Cha...
     with: Darcourt, J.: Poisson statistic and half-quadratic regularization for ...
     with: Darcourt, J.: Toward Accurate Segmentation of the LV Myocardium and Ch...
     with: Laurette, I.: Poisson statistic and half-quadratic regularization for ...
     with: Lingrand, D.: Toward Accurate Segmentation of the LV Myocardium and Ch...
     with: Montagnat, J.: Toward Accurate Segmentation of the LV Myocardium and C...
9 for Koulibaly, P.M.

Kouloheris, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Eleftheriadis, A.: Statistical model-based video segmentation and its ...
     with: Gonzales, C.: Cost Function with Position Penalty for Motion Estimatio...
     with: Gonzales, C.: Issues in reduced-resolution decoding of MPEG video
     with: Lam, W.M.: Cost Function with Position Penalty for Motion Estimation i...
     with: Luo, H.T.: Statistical model-based video segmentation and its applicat...
     with: Ratakonda, K.: Issues in reduced-resolution decoding of MPEG video
     with: Yeo, B.: Issues in reduced-resolution decoding of MPEG video
     with: Yeo, H.: Cost Function with Position Penalty for Motion Estimation in ...
10 for Kouloheris, J.

Kouloumdjian, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Decleir, C.: Modeling and querying video data: a hybrid approach
     with: Hacid, M.S.: Modeling and querying video data: a hybrid approach

Koulouriotis, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andreadis, T.: Development of an intelligent CAD system for mass detec...
     with: Emiris, D.: Automated Optic Recognition of Alphanumeric Content in Car...
     with: Emmanouilidis, C.: Development of an intelligent CAD system for mass d...
     with: Goumas, S.: Development of an intelligent CAD system for mass detectio...

Koulouriotis, D.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Karakasis, E.G.: Accurate and speedy computation of image Legendre mom...
     with: Karakasis, E.G.: Computing Orthogonal Moments in Biomedical Imaging
     with: Karakasis, E.G.: Efficient and accurate computation of geometric momen...
     with: Karakasis, E.G.: Generalized dual Hahn moment invariants
     with: Karakasis, E.G.: Novel moment invariants for improved classification p...
     with: Karakasis, E.G.: Unified Methodology for Computing Accurate Quaternion...
     with: Papakostas, G.A.: Accurate and speedy computation of image Legendre mo...
     with: Papakostas, G.A.: Computing Orthogonal Moments in Biomedical Imaging
     with: Papakostas, G.A.: Efficient and accurate computation of geometric mome...
     with: Papakostas, G.A.: Generalized dual Hahn moment invariants
     with: Papakostas, G.A.: Novel moment invariants for improved classification ...
     with: Papakostas, G.A.: Unified Methodology for Computing Accurate Quaternio...
     with: Tourassis, V.D.: Computing Orthogonal Moments in Biomedical Imaging
     with: Tourassis, V.D.: Generalized dual Hahn moment invariants
     with: Tourassis, V.D.: Unified Methodology for Computing Accurate Quaternion...
15 for Koulouriotis, D.E.

Koulouris, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Maglogiannis, I.: Augmented Reality for Indoor Localization and Naviga...
     with: Menychtas, A.: Augmented Reality for Indoor Localization and Navigatio...

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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