Index for kurb

Kurbakov, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Makarova, A.: Mean Decision Rules Method with Smart Sampling for Fast ...
     with: Sulimova, V.: Mean Decision Rules Method with Smart Sampling for Fast ...

Kurban, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ablekim, A.: Estimation of Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Veget...
     with: Azadi, H.: Estimation of Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Vegetat...
     with: Azadi, H.: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Drought Characteristics and Thei...
     with: Bao, A.M.: Satellite-Based Precipitation Datasets Evaluation Using Gau...
     with: Cai, P.: Improved Atmospheric Modelling of the Oasis-Desert System in ...
     with: Cao, L.Z.: Global Spatiotemporal Distribution of the Mid-Tropospheric ...
     with: Chen, C.: Analysis of the Impacts of Environmental Factors on Rat Hole...
     with: Chen, X.: Global Spatiotemporal Distribution of the Mid-Tropospheric C...
     with: Chen, X.: Satellite-Based Precipitation Datasets Evaluation Using Gaug...
     with: de Maeyer, P.: Analysis of the Impacts of Environmental Factors on Rat...
     with: de Maeyer, P.: Estimation of Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Veg...
     with: de Maeyer, P.: Global Spatiotemporal Distribution of the Mid-Troposphe...
     with: de Maeyer, P.: Improved Atmospheric Modelling of the Oasis-Desert Syst...
     with: de Maeyer, P.: Partitioning Global Surface Energy and Their Controllin...
     with: de Maeyer, P.: Satellite-Based Precipitation Datasets Evaluation Using...
     with: de Maeyer, P.: Time Tracking of Different Cropping Patterns Using Land...
     with: de Maeyer, P.: Uncertainties in Classification System Conversion and a...
     with: Du, G.M.: Time Tracking of Different Cropping Patterns Using Landsat I...
     with: Du, Q.Y.: Leaf Area Index Estimation of Pergola-Trained Vineyards in A...
     with: Eziz, A.: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Drought Characteristics and Their...
     with: Fidelis, G.D.: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Drought Characteristics and ...
     with: Guo, Z.K.: Estimation of Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Vegetat...
     with: Hakorimana, E.: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Drought Characteristics and...
     with: Hamdi, R.: Time Tracking of Different Cropping Patterns Using Landsat ...
     with: Hellwich, O.: Analysis of the Impacts of Environmental Factors on Rat ...
     with: Huang, Y.: Satellite-Based Precipitation Datasets Evaluation Using Gau...
     with: Ilniyaz, O.: Leaf Area Index Estimation of Pergola-Trained Vineyards i...
     with: Kuang, W.H.: Time Tracking of Different Cropping Patterns Using Landsa...
     with: Li, Z.Y.: Satellite-Based Precipitation Datasets Evaluation Using Gaug...
     with: Ling, Y.: Satellite-Based Precipitation Datasets Evaluation Using Gaug...
     with: Liu, T.: Satellite-Based Precipitation Datasets Evaluation Using Gauge...
     with: Luo, G.: Analysis of the Impacts of Environmental Factors on Rat Hole ...
     with: Luo, G.: Improved Atmospheric Modelling of the Oasis-Desert System in ...
     with: Ma, M.G.: Uncertainties in Classification System Conversion and an Ana...
     with: Niyonsenga, S.: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Drought Characteristics and...
     with: Nsanzabaganwa, J.: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Drought Characteristics ...
     with: Nzabarinda, V.: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Drought Characteristics and...
     with: Ochege, F.U.: Global Spatiotemporal Distribution of the Mid-Tropospher...
     with: Ochege, F.U.: Partitioning Global Surface Energy and Their Controlling...
     with: Pan, Q.: Analysis of the Impacts of Environmental Factors on Rat Hole ...
     with: Pan, T.: Global Spatiotemporal Distribution of the Mid-Tropospheric CO...
     with: Pan, T.: Time Tracking of Different Cropping Patterns Using Landsat Im...
     with: Peng, J.B.: Satellite-Based Precipitation Datasets Evaluation Using Ga...
     with: Qian, J.: Global Spatiotemporal Distribution of the Mid-Tropospheric C...
     with: Qin, X.G.: Global Spatiotemporal Distribution of the Mid-Tropospheric ...
     with: Shi, H.Y.: Analysis of the Impacts of Environmental Factors on Rat Hol...
     with: Umugwaneza, A.: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Drought Characteristics and...
     with: Umwali, E.D.: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Drought Characteristics and T...
     with: Umwall, E.D.: Estimation of Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Vege...
     with: van de Voorde, T.: Analysis of the Impacts of Environmental Factors on...
     with: van de Voorde, T.: Estimation of Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic...
     with: Wu, S.: Estimation of Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation...
     with: Wu, S.X.: Analysis of the Impacts of Environmental Factors on Rat Hole...
     with: Yin, Z.Z.: Global Spatiotemporal Distribution of the Mid-Tropospheric ...
     with: Yuan, X.: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Drought Characteristics and Their...
     with: Yuan, X.L.: Partitioning Global Surface Energy and Their Controlling F...
     with: Zhang, C.: Global Spatiotemporal Distribution of the Mid-Tropospheric ...
     with: Zhang, C.: Time Tracking of Different Cropping Patterns Using Landsat ...
     with: Zhang, M.: Improved Atmospheric Modelling of the Oasis-Desert System i...
     with: Zhang, M.: Uncertainties in Classification System Conversion and an An...
60 for Kurban, A.

Kurban, O.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Calik, N.: Human and action recognition using adaptive energy images
     with: Yildirim, T.: Human and action recognition using adaptive energy images

Kurban, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aslantas, V.: New optimised region-based multi-scale image fusion meth...
     with: Bendes, E.: New optimised region-based multi-scale image fusion method...
     with: Toprak, A.N.: New optimised region-based multi-scale image fusion meth...

Kurbaniyazov, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kirillin, G.: Changing Pattern of Water Level Trends in Eurasian Endor...
     with: Zhang, X.: Changing Pattern of Water Level Trends in Eurasian Endorhei...

Kurbanov, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aydarkhanov, R.: Integral Neural Networks
     with: Lefkimmiatis, S.: Integral Neural Networks
     with: Parfenov, Y.: Integral Neural Networks
     with: Solodskikh, K.: Integral Neural Networks
     with: Song, D.H.: Integral Neural Networks
     with: Zhelavskaya, I.: Integral Neural Networks

Kurbanov, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cole, J.: Remote Sensing of Forest Burnt Area, Burn Severity, and Post...
     with: Dergunov, D.: Remote Sensing of Forest Burnt Area, Burn Severity, and ...
     with: Eladawy, A.: Remotely Sensed Ecological Protection Redline and Securit...
     with: Lezhnin, S.: Remote Sensing of Forest Burnt Area, Burn Severity, and P...
     with: Li, X.M.: Remote Sensing of Forest Burnt Area, Burn Severity, and Post...
     with: Li, X.M.: Remotely Sensed Ecological Protection Redline and Security P...
     with: Lin, Q.X.: Remotely Sensed Ecological Protection Redline and Security ...
     with: Sha, J.M.: Remote Sensing of Forest Burnt Area, Burn Severity, and Pos...
     with: Sha, J.M.: Remotely Sensed Ecological Protection Redline and Security ...
     with: Thomas, A.: Remotely Sensed Ecological Protection Redline and Security...
     with: Vorobev, O.: Remote Sensing of Forest Burnt Area, Burn Severity, and P...
     with: Wang, J.L.: Remote Sensing of Forest Burnt Area, Burn Severity, and Po...
     with: Wang, J.L.: Remotely Sensed Ecological Protection Redline and Security...
     with: Wang, Y.: Remote Sensing of Forest Burnt Area, Burn Severity, and Post...
14 for Kurbanov, E.

Kurbanov, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Artamonov, A.: Building Detection from Satellite Imagery Using a Compo...
     with: Davydow, A.: Building Detection from Satellite Imagery Using a Composi...
     with: Golovanov, S.: Building Detection from Satellite Imagery Using a Compo...
     with: Nikolenko, S.: Building Detection from Satellite Imagery Using a Compo...

Kurbanov, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cuchy, M.: Fast One-to-Many Multicriteria Shortest Path Search
     with: Vokrinek, J.: Fast One-to-Many Multicriteria Shortest Path Search

Kurbatov, G.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Morozov, Y.V.: Galileo E5 AltBOC Signals: Application for Single-Frequ...
     with: Mylnikova, A.A.: Galileo E5 AltBOC Signals: Application for Single-Fre...
     with: Padokhin, A.M.: Galileo E5 AltBOC Signals: Application for Single-Freq...
     with: Vesnin, A.M.: Galileo E5 AltBOC Signals: Application for Single-Freque...
     with: Yasyukevich, Y.V.: Galileo E5 AltBOC Signals: Application for Single-F...

Kurbiel, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Eickeler, S.: Novel Preprocessing Method for Hectography Prints Based ...
     with: Konya, I.: Novel Preprocessing Method for Hectography Prints Based on ...

Index for "k"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:01:32
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