Index for ture

Turecek, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Oplatkova, Z.K.: ICIP 2022 Challenge: PEDCMI, TOOD Enhanced by Slicing...
     with: Tureckova, A.: ICIP 2022 Challenge: PEDCMI, TOOD Enhanced by Slicing-A...

Tureckova, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Oplatkova, Z.K.: ICIP 2022 Challenge: PEDCMI, TOOD Enhanced by Slicing...
     with: Turecek, T.: ICIP 2022 Challenge: PEDCMI, TOOD Enhanced by Slicing-Aid...

Turek, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bakula, K.: Multi-criteria GIS Analyses with the Use of UAVs For The N...
     with: Kowalczyk, M.: Multi-criteria GIS Analyses with the Use of UAVs For Th...
     with: Kurczynski, Z.: Multi-criteria GIS Analyses with the Use of UAVs For T...
     with: Markiewicz, J.: Multi-criteria GIS Analyses with the Use of UAVs For T...
     with: Ostrowski, W.: Multi-criteria GIS Analyses with the Use of UAVs For Th...
     with: Podlasiak, P.: Multi-criteria GIS Analyses with the Use of UAVs For Th...
     with: Zawieska, D.: Multi-criteria GIS Analyses with the Use of UAVs For The...
7 for Turek, A.

Turek, J.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bergman, L.D.: Progressive search and retrieval in large image archives
     with: Castelli, V.: Progressive search and retrieval in large image archives
     with: Kontoyiannis, I.: Progressive search and retrieval in large image arch...
     with: Li, C.S.: Progressive search and retrieval in large image archives
     with: Robinson, J.T.: Progressive search and retrieval in large image archives

Turek, J.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akiva Hochman, R.: Searching for N:m Fine-grained Sparsity of Weights ...
     with: Finder, S.E.: Searching for N:m Fine-grained Sparsity of Weights and A...
     with: Huth, A.G.: Efficient, Sparse Representation of Manifold Distance Matr...
     with: Treister, E.: Searching for N:m Fine-grained Sparsity of Weights and A...

Turek, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gorgon, M.: FPGA-based Hardware-in-the-Loop environment using video in...
     with: Komorkiewicz, M.: FPGA-based Hardware-in-the-Loop environment using vi...
     with: Kryjak, T.: FPGA-based Hardware-in-the-Loop environment using video in...
     with: Skruch, P.: FPGA-based Hardware-in-the-Loop environment using video in...

Turek, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Atkins, C.: KWIVER: An open source cross-platform video exploitation f...
     with: Atkins, C.: Real-time multi-target tracking at 210 megapixels/second i...
     with: Basharat, A.: KWIVER: An open source cross-platform video exploitation...
     with: Basharat, A.: Real-time multi-target tracking at 210 megapixels/second...
     with: Baumes, J.: Tattoo detection and localization using region-based deep ...
     with: Becker, J.: KWIVER: An open source cross-platform video exploitation f...
     with: Blue, R.: KWIVER: An open source cross-platform video exploitation fra...
     with: Boeckel, B.: KWIVER: An open source cross-platform video exploitation ...
     with: Collins, R.: KWIVER: An open source cross-platform video exploitation ...
     with: Dawkins, M.: KWIVER: An open source cross-platform video exploitation ...
     with: Fieldhouse, K.: KWIVER: An open source cross-platform video exploitati...
     with: Fieldhouse, K.: Real-time multi-target tracking at 210 megapixels/seco...
     with: Hoogs, A.: KWIVER: An open source cross-platform video exploitation fr...
     with: Hoogs, A.: Tattoo detection and localization using region-based deep l...
     with: Hoogs, A.J.: Real-time multi-target tracking at 210 megapixels/second ...
     with: Leotta, M.J.: KWIVER: An open source cross-platform video exploitation...
     with: Sherrill, L.: KWIVER: An open source cross-platform video exploitation...
     with: Stoup, D.: KWIVER: An open source cross-platform video exploitation fr...
     with: Stoup, D.: Real-time multi-target tracking at 210 megapixels/second in...
     with: Sun, Z.H.: Tattoo detection and localization using region-based deep l...
     with: Tunison, P.: KWIVER: An open source cross-platform video exploitation ...
     with: Tunison, P.: Real-time multi-target tracking at 210 megapixels/second ...
     with: Tunison, P.: Tattoo detection and localization using region-based deep...
     with: Woehlke, M.: KWIVER: An open source cross-platform video exploitation ...
     with: Xu, Y.L.: Real-time multi-target tracking at 210 megapixels/second in ...
25 for Turek, M.

Turek, M.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Collins, R.: Content-Based Retrieval of Functional Objects in Video Us...
     with: Collins, R.: Unsupervised Learning of Functional Categories in Video S...
     with: Freedman, D.: Graph cuts with many-pixel interactions: Theory and appl...
     with: Freedman, D.: Illumination-Invariant Tracking via Graph Cuts
     with: Freedman, D.: Multiscale Modeling and Constraints for Max-flow/Min-cut...
     with: Hoogs, A.J.: Content-Based Retrieval of Functional Objects in Video Us...
     with: Hoogs, A.J.: Unsupervised Learning of Functional Categories in Video S...
     with: Mendonca, P.R.S.: Bias in the Localization of Curved Edges
     with: Miller, J.: Bias in the Localization of Curved Edges
     with: Oh, S.M.: Content-Based Retrieval of Functional Objects in Video Using...
     with: Padfield, D.: Bias in the Localization of Curved Edges
11 for Turek, M.W.

Tureli, U. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ilhan, H.: CB-MAC: a novel cluster-based MAC protocol for VANETs
     with: Shah, A.F.M.S.: CB-MAC: a novel cluster-based MAC protocol for VANETs

Turen, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Sanli, D.U.: Accuracy of Deformation Rates from Campaign GPS Surveys C...

Turetken, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alatan, A.A.: Region-based motion-compensated frame rate up-conversion...
     with: Alatan, A.A.: Temporally consistent layer depth ordering via pixel vot...
     with: Andres, B.: Reconstructing Curvilinear Networks Using Path Classifiers...
     with: Andres, B.: Reconstructing Loopy Curvilinear Structures Using Integer ...
     with: Becker, C.: Detecting Irregular Curvilinear Structures in Gray Scale a...
     with: Becker, C.J.: Network Flow Integer Programming to Track Elliptical Cel...
     with: Benmansour, F.: Automated reconstruction of tree structures using path...
     with: Benmansour, F.: Detecting Irregular Curvilinear Structures in Gray Sca...
     with: Benmansour, F.: On the relevance of sparsity for image classification
     with: Benmansour, F.: Reconstructing Curvilinear Networks Using Path Classif...
     with: Benmansour, F.: Reconstructing Loopy Curvilinear Structures Using Inte...
     with: Berclaz, J.: Multiple Object Tracking Using K-Shortest Paths Optimizat...
     with: Bigdeli, S.A.: Efficient Neural Vision Systems Based on Convolutional ...
     with: Brown, M.A.: On the relevance of sparsity for image classification
     with: Dunbar, L.A.: Efficient Neural Vision Systems Based on Convolutional I...
     with: Dunbar, L.A.: Leveraging Spatial and Photometric Context for Calibrate...
     with: Fleuret, F.: Delineating trees in noisy 2D images and 3D image-stacks
     with: Fleuret, F.: Multiple Object Tracking Using K-Shortest Paths Optimizat...
     with: Fleuret, F.: Tracking Interacting Objects Optimally Using Integer Prog...
     with: Fleuret, F.: Tracking Interacting Objects Using Intertwined Flows
     with: Fua, P.: Automated reconstruction of tree structures using path classi...
     with: Fua, P.: Delineating trees in noisy 2D images and 3D image-stacks
     with: Fua, P.: Detecting Irregular Curvilinear Structures in Gray Scale and ...
     with: Fua, P.: Leveraging Spatial and Photometric Context for Calibrated Non...
     with: Fua, P.: Multiple Object Tracking Using K-Shortest Paths Optimization
     with: Fua, P.: Multiscale Centerline Detection
     with: Fua, P.: Multiscale Centerline Detection by Learning a Scale-Space Dis...
     with: Fua, P.: Network Flow Integer Programming to Track Elliptical Cells in...
     with: Fua, P.: On the relevance of sparsity for image classification
     with: Fua, P.: Reconstructing Curvilinear Networks Using Path Classifiers an...
     with: Fua, P.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Sequences
     with: Fua, P.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Sequenc...
     with: Fua, P.: Reconstructing Loopy Curvilinear Structures Using Integer Pro...
     with: Fua, P.: Tracking Interacting Objects Optimally Using Integer Programm...
     with: Fua, P.: Tracking Interacting Objects Using Intertwined Flows
     with: Glowacki, P.: Detecting Irregular Curvilinear Structures in Gray Scale...
     with: Glowacki, P.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Glowacki, P.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Gonzalez, G.: Delineating trees in noisy 2D images and 3D image-stacks
     with: Gonzalez, G.: On the relevance of sparsity for image classification
     with: Haubold, C.: Network Flow Integer Programming to Track Elliptical Cell...
     with: Holtmaat, A.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Holtmaat, A.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Honzatko, D.: Leveraging Spatial and Photometric Context for Calibrate...
     with: Kundig, C.: Efficient Neural Vision Systems Based on Convolutional Ima...
     with: Kybic, J.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Seque...
     with: Kybic, J.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Seque...
     with: Lebrecht, D.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Lebrecht, D.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Lepetit, V.: Multiscale Centerline Detection
     with: Lepetit, V.: Multiscale Centerline Detection by Learning a Scale-Space...
     with: Lepetit, V.: On the relevance of sparsity for image classification
     with: Mosinska, A.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Mosinska, A.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Narduzzi, S.: Efficient Neural Vision Systems Based on Convolutional I...
     with: Pad, P.: Efficient Neural Vision Systems Based on Convolutional Image ...
     with: Pfister, H.: Reconstructing Curvilinear Networks Using Path Classifier...
     with: Pfister, H.: Reconstructing Loopy Curvilinear Structures Using Integer...
     with: Pinheiro, M.A.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse ...
     with: Pinheiro, M.A.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse ...
     with: Rigamonti, R.: On the relevance of sparsity for image classification
     with: Sironi, A.: Multiscale Centerline Detection
     with: Sironi, A.: Multiscale Centerline Detection by Learning a Scale-Space ...
     with: Sznitman, R.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Sznitman, R.: Reconstructing Evolving Tree Structures in Time Lapse Se...
     with: Wang, X.: Network Flow Integer Programming to Track Elliptical Cells i...
     with: Wang, X.C.: Tracking Interacting Objects Optimally Using Integer Progr...
     with: Wang, X.C.: Tracking Interacting Objects Using Intertwined Flows
68 for Turetken, E.

Turetsky, M.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anderson, J.: Characterizing Boreal Peatland Plant Composition and Spe...
     with: Douglas, T.A.: Characterizing Boreal Peatland Plant Composition and Sp...
     with: Edwards, J.D.: Characterizing Boreal Peatland Plant Composition and Sp...
     with: Falkowski, M.J.: Characterizing Boreal Peatland Plant Composition and ...
     with: Kane, E.S.: Characterizing Boreal Peatland Plant Composition and Speci...
     with: Kolka, R.: Characterizing Boreal Peatland Plant Composition and Specie...
     with: McPartland, M.Y.: Characterizing Boreal Peatland Plant Composition and...
     with: Montgomery, R.A.: Characterizing Boreal Peatland Plant Composition and...
     with: Palik, B.: Characterizing Boreal Peatland Plant Composition and Specie...
     with: Reinhardt, J.R.: Characterizing Boreal Peatland Plant Composition and ...
10 for Turetsky, M.R.

Index for "t"

Last update:28-Aug-24 17:02:43
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