Index for nyqui

Above the nyquist Rate, Modulo Folding Does Not Hurt
Alias-and-Separate: Wideband Speech Coding Using Sub-nyquist Sampling and Speech Separation
Chirp Spread Spectrum Toward the nyquist Signaling Rate: Orthogonality Condition and Applications
Clutter Removal in Sub-nyquist Radar
Decomposed CNN for Sub-nyquist Tensor-Based 2-D DOA Estimation
Generalization of Spatially Variant Apodization to Noninteger nyquist Sampling Rates
High-Speed Hyperspectral Video Acquisition By Combining nyquist and Compressive Sampling
Joint DOA and Frequency Estimation With Sub-nyquist Sampling in the Sparse Array System
Multi-channel sub-nyquist cross-spectral estimation for modal analysis of vibrating structures
Multiple-False-Target ISAR Shape Deception Jamming Method Based on Improved Template Multiplication Modulated Time-Delay Algorithm and Sub-nyquist Sampling, A
nyquist Pulses for Sub-Nyquist Sampling: Application to Underwater Imaging
nyquist Pulses for Sub-Nyquist Sampling: Application to Underwater Imaging
parameter estimation algorithm for LFM signal intercepted by nyquist folding receiver, A
Performance Analysis and Constellation Optimization of Star-QAM-Aided Differential Faster-Than-nyquist Signaling
Resample-Based SVA Algorithm for Sidelobe Reduction of SAR/ISAR Imagery With Noninteger nyquist Sampling Rate, A
Sampling below the nyquist density using spectral subtiles
Sampling of Time-Resolved Full-Waveform LIDAR Signals at Sub-nyquist Rates
Sub-nyquist Radar Systems: Temporal, Spectral, and Spatial Compression
Sub-nyquist Sampling and Gridless Frequency Estimation Based on Channelization
Sub-nyquist Sampling of Multiple Sinusoids
Sub-nyquist SAR via Fourier Domain Range-Doppler Processing
Sub-nyquist SAR via Quadrature Compressive Sampling with Independent Measurements
SubTTD: DOA Estimation via Sub-nyquist Tensor Train Decomposition
Symbol Detection for Faster-Than-nyquist Signaling by Sum-of-Absolute-Values Optimization
TenDSuR: Tensor-Based 4D Sub-nyquist Radar
Variational Inference-Based Frequency-Domain Equalization for Faster-Than-nyquist Signaling in Doubly Selective Channels
26 for nyquist

Index for "n"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:24:38
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