Index for verba

Camera based face tracking for enhancing surgical teamwork training with non-verbal communication
Cross-Fertilization between Studies on ICT Practices of Use and Cross-Modal Analysis of verbal and Nonverbal Communication
Cultural factors in the regression of non-verbal communication perception
deep generic to specific recognition model for group membership analysis using non-verbal cues, A
Dynamics of Non-verbal Vocalizations and Hormones during Father-Infant Interaction
Emotional Avatar: Non-verbal Communication Between Inhabitants of Collaborative Virtual Environments, The
Evaluation of the Reproducibility of Non-verbal Facial Animations
Event-Based Architecture to Manage Virtual Human Non-verbal Communication in 3D Chatting Environment, An
Feature selection of facial displays for detection of non verbal communication in natural conversation
From Visual Input to verbal Output in the Visual Translator
Generating verbal Descriptions of Colored Objects: Towards Grounding Language in Perception
Ghost in the Cave: An Interactive Collaborative Game Using Non-verbal Communication
Head Nods Analysis: Interpretation of Non verbal Communication Gestures
Helping Computer Vision by verbal and Nonverbal Communication
Hierarchical Representation of Three-Dimensional Objects Using verbal Models
Improving recognition and identification of facial areas involved in Non-verbal Communication by feature selection
Integration of Gesture and verbal Language: A Formal Semantics Approach
Learning Emotion Representations from verbal and Nonverbal Communication
Leveraging the Dynamics of Non-verbal Behaviors For Social Attitude Modeling
Methodology for the Automatic Extraction and Generation of Non-verbal Signals Sequences Conveying Interpersonal Attitudes, A
Multimodal Sentiment Intensity Analysis in Videos: Facial Gestures and verbal Messages
Non-verbal communication analysis in Victim-Offender Mediations
Object Recognition for Service Robots through verbal Interaction about Multiple Attribute Information
Object Recognition for Service Robots through verbal Interaction Based on Ontology
Object recognition in service robots: Conducting verbal interaction on color and spatial relationship
Pattern Recognition Techniques for Non verbal Human Behavior (NVHB)
Prediction of Learning Abilities Based on a Cross-Modal Evaluation of Non-verbal Mental Attributes Using Video-Game-Like Interfaces
Recognizing users feedback from non-verbal communicative acts in conversational recommender systems
Survey of Non-facial/Non-verbal Affective Expressions for Appearance-Constrained Robots
Uncovering non-verbal semantic aspects of collaborative meetings: iterative design and evaluation of the Meeting Miner
verbal aggression detection in complex social environments
What You Say Is What You See: Interactive Generation, Manipulation and Modification of 3-D Shapes Based on verbal Descriptions
32 for verbal

Index for "v"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:24:38
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