Update Dates 9307

9307 * *Geometric Methods in Computer Vision II
* *Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing IV
* 3-D Translational Motion and Structure from Binocular Image Flows
* Abstraction-Based Approach to 3-D Pose Determination from Range Images, An
* Adaptive Regularized Recursive Displacement Estimation Algorithm, An
* Analyzing High Dimensional Multispectral Data
* Apparatus for geometrical correction of a distored image
* Beyond Linear Perspective: A Cubist Manifesto for Visual Science
* CAD-Based Vision: Object Recognition in Cluttered Range Images Using Recognition Strategies
* Charade: Remote Control of Objects Using Free-Hand Gestures
* Complex EGI: A New Representation for 3-D Pose Determination, The
* Component Labeling In Pyramid Architecture
* Computational Vision Approach To Image Registration, A
* Computer vision system for position monitoring in three dimensions using non-coplanar light sources attached to a monitored object
* Construction Intrinsic Parameters with Active Models for Invariant Surface Reconstruction
* Curve Detection Based on Perceptual Organization
* Describing the Shapes of Faces Using Surface Primitives
* Digital halftoning with selectively applied dot-to-dot error diffusion
* Discrimination Between Visual Stimuli by Variation of Shape and Relative Position of Volumetric Primitives
* Edge Characterization Using Normalized Edge Detector
* Eigenstructure Approach to Edge Detection, An
* Estimation of Noise in Images: An Evaluation
* Extracting Geometric Primitives
* Eye-gaze computer interfaces: What you look at is what you get
* Fast Discrete Radon Transform I: Theory, The
* From Line Drawings to Impressions of 3D Objects: Developing a Model to Account for the Shapes That People See
* General Approach to Moment Calculation for Polygons and Line Segments, A
* Geometric and Algebraic Aspects of 3D Affine and Projective Structures from Perspective 2D Views
* GLHS: A Generalized Lightness, Hue, and Saturation Color Model
* Image processor which converts image with poor resolution into image with improved resolution
* Image Texture Classification with Digital Filter Banks and Transforms
* Imaging lidar system
* Interpretation of Remotely Sensed Images in a Context of Multisensor Fusion Using a Multispecialist Architecture
* Invariant Signatures for Planar Shape Recognition under Partial Occlusion
* Issues in Shape Perception
* Method and apparatus for capturing skin print images
* Method and system for determining connection states of straight short vectors representing figure in curve fitting
* Method for Determineing Filter Spacing in Assumed Velocity Filter Banks, A
* Morphological Signature Transform for Shape Description, A
* Motion Compensated Generic Coding of Video Based on Multiresolution Data Structure
* Multiscale Representation and Matching of Curves Using Codons
* New Approach for Aggregating Edge Points into Line Segments, A
* Note on Small Angle Approximations for Stereo Disparity
* On the Uncertainty of Straight Lines in Digital Images
* Performance Evaluation of 2-D Adaptive Prediction Filters for Detection of Small Objects in Image Data
* Projective Pose Estimation of Linear and Quadratic Primitives in Monocular Computer Vision
* Rapid Octree Construction from Image Sequences
* Reconstruction of Digital Terrain Model with a Lake
* Reduced Order Extended Kalman Filter for Sequential Images Containing a Moving Object, A
* Representative Patterns for Model-Based Matching
* Review of MR image segmentation techniques using pattern recognition
* Scale Space Tracking and Deformable Sheet Models for Computational Vision
* Segmentation Based Image Compression
* Shape in Machine Vision
* Shape Using Volumetric Primitives
* Signal Detection Theory Approach to the Multiple Parallel Moving Targets Problem
* Subband Image Coding Using Jointly Localized Filter Banks and Entropy Coding Based on Vector Quantization
* Syntatic Segmentation and Labeling of Digitized Pages from Technical Journals
* Using Angular Dispersion of Gradient Direction for Detecting Edge Ribbons
* Why Stereo Vision is Not Always About 3D Reconstruction
60 for 9307

Index for "9"

Last update:28-Sep-24 19:15:41
Use price@usc.edu for comments.