Index for baat

Baataoui, A.[Aziz] * 2020: Dynamic mosaicking: combining A* algorithm with fractional Brownian motion for an optimal seamline detection
* 2020: Item-to-item recommender system with simultaneous use of multiple images for image mosaicking creation in dynamic scenes

Baath, L.B.[Lars B.] * 2003: To See What You Cannot See
Includes: Baath, L.B.[Lars B.] Bååth, L.B.[Lars B.]

Baati, L.[Lasaad] * 2022: Route planning for electric vehicles

Baatz, G.[Georges] * 2010: Handling Urban Location Recognition as a 2D Homothetic Problem
* 2011: City-scale landmark identification on mobile devices
* 2012: Large Scale Visual Geo-Localization of Images in Mountainous Terrain
* 2012: Leveraging 3D City Models for Rotation Invariant Place-of-Interest Recognition
* 2012: Leveraging Topographic Maps for Image to Terrain Alignment
* 2016: Image Based Geo-localization in the Alps

Baatz, M. * 2006: And where does it come from?

Baatz, R.[Roland] * 2021: Importance of Subsurface Processes in Land Surface Modeling over a Temperate Region: An Analysis with SMAP, Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing and Triple Collocation Analysis, The
* 2022: Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversity: Part III: Traits, Processes and Remote Sensing Characteristics

Baatzsch, A.[Andreas] * 2022: Towards NGGM: Laser Tracking Instrument for the Next Generation of Gravity Missions

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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