Index for bagl

Bagla, A.[Ayush] * 2022: No-Reference model for Detecting Audio Artifacts using Pretrained Audio Neural Networks, A

Baglayici, E.[Engin] * 2020: New Facial Expression Processing System for an Affectively Aware Robot, A

Bagley, B. * 2011: Surface Reconstruction of Maltese Cisterns Using ROV Sonar Data for Archeological Study

Bagley, D.[Daryl] * 2023: DBATES: Dataset for Discerning Benefits of Audio, Textual, and Facial Expression Features in Competitive Debate Speeches

Bagley, S.C.[Steven C.] * 1995: Methods and apparatus for selecting semantically significant images in a document image without decoding image content

Baglietto, P. * 1995: VLSI scalable processor array for motion estimation, A
* 1996: Image-Processing on High-Performance RISC Systems
* 1997: Customizing MPEG video compression algorithms to specific application domains: The case of highway monitoring
* 1999: Euclidean distance transform on a dedicated architecture based on a reconfigurable mesh network

Baglio, S. * 2015: Haptic Solution to Assist Visually Impaired in Mobility Tasks, A

Baglioni, L.[Leonardo] * 2014: Architectural Perspectives Survey
* 2019: Parametric Surfaces for Augmented Architecture Representation
Includes: Baglioni, L.[Leonardo] Baglioni, L.

Baglioni, M.[Miriam] * 2007: Building Geospatial Ontologies from Geographical Databases

Baglivo, A. * 2014: Crossmedia integration of 3D contents for cultural communication

Baglivo, L.[Luca] * 2011: Method for Asteroids 3D Surface Reconstruction from Close Approach Distances, A

Bagloee, S.A.[Saeed Asadi] * 2022: Network-Wide Traffic State Estimation and Rolling Horizon-Based Signal Control Optimization in a Connected Vehicle Environment

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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