Index for berc

Bercea, C. * 2016: Confidence-aware Levenberg-Marquardt optimization for joint motion estimation and super-resolution

Berche, S. * 2001: Indexing technical drawings using title block structure recognition

Bercher, J.F.[Jean Francois] * 2010: Link between copula and tomography
* 2022: Contrastive Learning for Online Semi-Supervised General Continual Learning
Includes: Bercher, J.F.[Jean Francois] Bercher, J.F.[Jean-Francois] Bercher, J.F.[Jean-Fmnçois]

Berciano, A.[Ainhoa] * 2009: Decomposing Cavities in Digital Volumes into Products of Cycles
* 2011: Parallel Implementation of the Thresholding Problem by Using Tissue-Like P Systems, A
* 2012: Parallel Skeletonizing of Digital Images by Using Cellular Automata
* 2013: Segmenting images with gradient-based edge detection using Membrane Computing
* 2016: Effective homology of k-D digital objects (partially) calculated in parallel

Berckmans, D.[Daniel] * 2014: Weight Estimation of Pigs Using Top-View Image Processing

Berclaz, J.[Jerome] * 2006: Robust People Tracking with Global Trajectory Optimization
* 2007: Robust Multi-View Change Detection
* 2008: Multi-camera Tracking and Atypical Motion Detection with Behavioral Maps
* 2008: Multicamera People Tracking with a Probabilistic Occupancy Map
* 2009: Multiple object tracking using flow linear programming
* 2011: Multiple Object Tracking Using K-Shortest Paths Optimization
* 2011: Tracking multiple people under global appearance constraints
* 2012: 3D City Modeling from Street-Level Data for Augmented Reality Applications
* 2014: Multi-Commodity Network Flow for Tracking Multiple People
Includes: Berclaz, J.[Jerome] Berclaz, J.[Jérôme] Berclaz, J.
9 for Berclaz, J.

Bercoff, J. * 2008: Potential of MRI and Ultrasound Radiation Force in Elastography: Applications to Diagnosis and Therapy
* 2009: High-Resolution Quantitative Imaging of Cornea Elasticity Using Supersonic Shear Imaging

Berczi, L.P.[Laszlo Peter] * 2013: Proof-of-Concept, Rover-Based System for Autonomously Locating Methane Gas Sources on Mars, A
Includes: Berczi, L.P.[Laszlo Peter] Berczi, L.P.[Laszlo-Peter]

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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