Index for bozi

Bozia, E.[Eleni] * 2010: novel framework for 3D reconstruction and analysis of ancient inscriptions, A

Bozic Stulic, D.[Dunja] * 2019: Deep Learning Approach in Aerial Imagery for Supporting Land Search and Rescue Missions
* 2020: Visual-Based Person Detection for Search-and-Rescue with UAS: Humans vs. Machine Learning Algorithm
Includes: Bozic Stulic, D.[Dunja] Božic-Štulic, D.[Dunja]

Bozic, A.[Aljaz] * 2020: DeepDeform: Learning Non-Rigid RGB-D Reconstruction With Semi-Supervised Data
* 2020: Learning to Optimize Non-Rigid Tracking
* 2021: Neural Deformation Graphs for Globally-consistent Non-rigid Reconstruction
* 2021: NPMs: Neural Parametric Models for 3D Deformable Shapes
* 2022: RC-MVSNet: Unsupervised Multi-View Stereo with Neural Rendering
* 2023: Learning Neural Duplex Radiance Fields for Real-Time View Synthesis
* 2023: Neural Lens Modeling
Includes: Bozic, A.[Aljaz] Božic, A.[Aljaž] Božic, A.
7 for Bozic, A.

Bozic, J.[Jakob] * 2021: End-to-end training of a two-stage neural network for defect detection
Includes: Bozic, J.[Jakob] Božic, J.[Jakob]

Bozinis, T.[Theodoros] * 2021: Improving Visual Question Answering using Active Perception on Static Images

Bozinovic, N.[Nikola] * 2002: Interpretation of uniform translational image motion: DCT versus FT
* 2005: Motion analysis in 3D DCT domain and its application to video coding

Bozinovic, R.M.[Radmilo M.] * 1982: String Correction Algorithm for Cursive Script Recognition, A
* 1984: Knowledge-Based Cursive Script Interpretation
* 1987: Multi-Level Perception Approach to Reading Cursive Script, A
* 1987: Multi-Level Perception Approach to Reading Cursive Script, A
* 1989: Off-Line Cursive Script Word Recognition

Bozinovic, S.[Sofija] * 2021: Temporal Vegetation Indices and Plant Height from Remotely Sensed Imagery Can Predict Grain Yield and Flowering Time Breeding Value in Maize via Machine Learning Regression
Includes: Bozinovic, S.[Sofija] Božinovic, S.[Sofija]

Index for "b"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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