Index for fitc

Fitch, A.[Alice] * 2022: Using Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to Map Seagrass Cover from Sentinel-2 Imagery
* 2023: Peat Drainage Ditch Mapping from Aerial Imagery Using a Convolutional Neural Network

Fitch, A.J. * 2002: Fast exhaustive robust matching
* 2002: Orientation Correlation
* 2005: Fast robust correlation

Fitch, G.M. * 2014: Behind the Glass: Driver Challenges and Opportunities for AR Automotive Applications

Fitch, J.P. * 1984: Median Filtering by Threshold Decomposition
* 1985: Root Properties and Convergence Rates of Median Filters

Fitch, R.[Robert] * 2021: Learning Image-Based Contaminant Detection in Wool Fleece from Noisy Annotations

Fitch, R.C. * 1981: Real-Time Adaptive Contrast Enhancement
* 1989: Vehicle detection through image processing for traffic surveillance and control
Includes: Fitch, R.C. Fitch, R.C.[Robert C.]

Index for "f"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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