Index for foge

Foged, I.W. * 2020: Vision-based Individual Factors Acquisition for Thermal Comfort Assessment in a Built Environment

Fogel, A.[Alain] * 2012: Efficient stereo video encoding for mobile applications using the 3D+F codec

Fogel, D.B. * 1994: Introduction to Simulated Evolutionary Optimization, An
* 1998: Special Section on Computational Intelligence in Image Processing

Fogel, G.B.[Gary B.] * 2010: Identification and analysis of transcription factor family-specific features derived from DNA and protein information

Fogel, I. * 1989: Gabor Filters as Texture Discriminator

Fogel, S.[Sergei] * 1999: Segmentation-based method for motion-compensated frame interpolation
* 2019: Blind Visual Motif Removal From a Single Image
* 2020: ScrabbleGAN: Semi-Supervised Varying Length Handwritten Text Generation
* 2021: Single Pair Cross-Modality Super Resolution
* 2022: TextAdaIN: Paying Attention to Shortcut Learning in Text Recognizers
* 2022: Towards Weakly-Supervised Text Spotting using a Multi-Task Transformer
Includes: Fogel, S.[Sergei] Fogel, S.[Sharon] Fogel, S.

Fogel, S.V. * 1980: Method for Construction of Complete Invariant Systems of Features for Scene Analysis, A
* 1988: Nonlinear Approach to the Motion Correspondence Problem, A
* 1991: Estimation of Velocity Vector Fields from Time-Varying Image Sequences, The
* 1991: Estimation of Velocity Vector Fields from Time-Varying Image Sequences, The
* 1991: Method and associated apparatus for minimizing the effects of motion in the recording of an image
* 1992: Identification and restoration of spatially variant motion blurs in sequential images
* 1996: Generation of depth image through interpolation and extrapolation of intermediate images derived from stereo image pair using disparity vector fields
* 1997: Method for temporally adaptive filtering of frames of a noisy image sequence using motion estimation
* 1998: Method and apparatus for constructing intermediate images for a depth image from stereo images using velocity vector fields
Includes: Fogel, S.V. Fogel, S.V.[Sergei V.] Fogel, S.V.[Sergei Valentinovich]
9 for Fogel, S.V.

Fogel, Y.[Yael] * 2019: Functional abilities as reflected through temporal handwriting measures among adolescents with neuro-developmental disabilities

Fogelberg, C.G.[Christopher Graeme] * 2007: Genetic Programming for Image Recognition: An LGP Approach

Fogelton, A.[Andrej] * 2014: Eye Blink Detection Using Variance of Motion Vectors
* 2016: Eye blink detection based on motion vectors analysis
* 2018: Eye blink completeness detection

Index for "f"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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