Index for fuhl

Fuhl, W.[Wolfgang] * 2015: ExCuSe: Robust Pupil Detection in Real-World Scenarios
* 2016: Novel Methods for Analysis and Visualization of Saccade Trajectories
* 2016: Pupil detection for head-mounted eye tracking in the wild: An evaluation of the state of the art
* 2017: Fast and Robust Eyelid Outline and Aperture Detection in Real-World Scenarios
* 2018: MAM: Transfer Learning for Fully Automatic Video Annotation and Specialized Detector Creation
* 2018: PuRe: Robust pupil detection for real-time pervasive eye tracking
* 2019: 500,000 Images Closer to Eyelid and Pupil Segmentation
* 2019: Applicability of Cycle GANs for Pupil and Eyelid Segmentation, Data Generation and Image Refinement, The
* 2021: 1000 Pupil Segmentations in a Second using Haar Like Features and Statistical Learning
* 2021: Explainable Online Validation of Machine Learning Models for Practical Applications
* 2021: Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Raw Eye Tracking Data Segmentation, Generation, and Reconstruction
Includes: Fuhl, W.[Wolfgang] Fuhl, W.
11 for Fuhl, W.

Index for "f"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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