Index for ghou

Ghouaiel, N. * 2016: Detecting low-quality reference time series in stream recognition
* 2020: Animal Detection in Man-made Environments

Ghoul, K.[Khalid] * 2018: neural-based method for optical flow estimation using phase correlation, A

Ghourab, E.M.[Esraa M.] * 2022: Blockchain-Guided Dynamic Best-Relay Selection for Trustworthy Vehicular Communication

Ghouse, M. * 2014: Efficient adaptive fuzzy-based switching weighted average filter for the restoration of impulse corrupted digital images

Ghoussein, Y.[Youssra] * 2019: Multitemporal Remote Sensing Based on an FVC Reference Period Using Sentinel-2 for Monitoring Eichhornia crassipes on a Mediterranean River

Ghouti, L. * 2005: High Capacity Watermarking Using Balanced Multiwavelet Transforms
* 2005: Two-Step Variance-Adaptive Image Denoising
* 2006: Towards a Universal Multiresolution-Based Perceptual Model
* 2013: Perceptual hashing of color images using hypercomplex representations
* 2023: AERO: AI-Enabled Remote Sensing Observation with Onboard Edge Computing in UAVs
Includes: Ghouti, L. Ghouti, L.[Lahouari]

Ghouzali, S. * 2008: skin detection algorithm based on discrete Cosine transform and generalized Gaussian density, A
* 2009: Novel face recognition approach based on steerable pyramid feature extraction
* 2012: Security Analysis of Key Binding Biometric Cryptosystems
* 2012: Spiral Cube for Biometric Template Protection
* 2014: Fingerprint shell: Secure representation of fingerprint template
Includes: Ghouzali, S. Ghouzali, S.[Sanaa]

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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