Index for grel

Grelard, F.[Florent] * 2015: Precise Cross-Section Estimation on Tubular Organs
* 2016: Centerlines of Tubular Volumes Based on Orthogonal Plane Estimation
* 2016: Improving curve skeletons of tubular volumes
Includes: Grelard, F.[Florent] Grélard, F.[Florent]

Grellert, M.[Mateus] * 2013: adaptive workload management scheme for HEVC encoding, An
* 2016: Rapid Prototyping in the Context of Cultural Heritage and Museum Displays
* 2016: Reconstruction: Argumentation Method, The
* 2017: Complexity control of HEVC encoders targeting real-time constraints
* 2019: Energy-aware cache hierarchy assessment targeting HEVC encoder execution
* 2019: Fast Coding Unit Partition Decision for HEVC Using Support Vector Machines
* 2021: Quality and Complexity Assessment of Learning-Based Image Compression Solutions
* 2022: Low-Complexity Multi-Type Tree Partitioning for Versatile Video Coding Based on Machine Learning
Includes: Grellert, M.[Mateus] Grellert, M.[Marc] Grellert, M.
8 for Grellert, M.

Grelsson, B.[Bertil] * 2013: Efficient 7D aerial pose estimation
* 2013: Probabilistic Hough Voting for Attitude Estimation from Aerial Fisheye Images
* 2018: Improved Learning in Convolutional Neural Networks with Shifted Exponential Linear Units (ShELUs)
Includes: Grelsson, B.[Bertil] Grelsson, B.

Index for "g"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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