Index for haue

Haueis, M.[Martin] * 2020: Constellation Codebooks for Reliable Vehicle Localization

Haueisen, J. * 2016: Iterative Reweighted Mixed-Norm Estimate for Spatio-Temporal MEG/EEG Source Reconstruction, The

Hauenstein, J.[Jonathan] * 2023: NCQS: Nonlinear Convex Quadrature Surrogate Hyperparameter Optimization

Hauenstein, J.D.[Jacob D.] * 2014: On Reliable Estimation of Curvatures of Implicit Surfaces
* 2020: TRPLP: Trifocal Relative Pose From Lines at Points
* 2022: Loss Surface of Deep Linear Networks Viewed Through the Algebraic Geometry Lens, The
* 2023: Trifocal Relative Pose From Lines at Points
Includes: Hauenstein, J.D.[Jacob D.] Hauenstein, J.D.[Jonathan D.]

Hauenstein, K.[Karlheinz] * 2012: Combining DTI and MRI for the Automated Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Using a Large European Multicenter Dataset

Hauer, C.[Christoph] * 2015: Topo-Bathymetric LiDAR for Monitoring River Morphodynamics and Instream Habitats: A Case Study at the Pielach River
* 2020: Status of Earth Observation Techniques in Monitoring High Mountain Environments at the Example of Pasterze Glacier, Austria: Data, Methods, Accuracies, Processes, and Scales, The

Hauer, F.R.[F. Richard] * 2022: Remote Sensing to Characterize River Floodplain Structure and Function

Hauer, K.[Klaus] * 2016: Human Joint Angle Estimation and Gesture Recognition for Assistive Robotic Vision

Hauer, K.O.[Kai Olaf] * 2016: How to efficiently characterize special effect coatings
Includes: Hauer, K.O.[Kai Olaf] Hauer, K.O.[Kai-Olaf]

Index for "h"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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