Index for hebb

Hebbache, L.[Loucif] * 2022: AI-AR for Bridge Inspection by Drone

Hebbalaguppe, R. * 2013: How interaction methods affect image segmentation: User experience in the task
* 2014: method for fusing a pair of images in the JPEG domain, A
* 2015: Pedestrian Detection via Mixture of CNN Experts and Thresholded Aggregated Channel Features
* 2016: Reduction of false alarms triggered by spiders/cobwebs in surveillance camera networks
* 2017: Crowdsourcing for Chromosome Segmentation and Deep Classification
* 2017: Hand Gesture Based Region Marking for Tele-Support Using Wearables
* 2017: Robust Hand Gestural Interaction for Smartphone Based AR/VR Applications
* 2017: Telecom Inventory Management via Object Recognition and Localisation on Google Street View Images
* 2018: DrawInAir: A Lightweight Gestural Interface Based on Fingertip Regression
* 2018: Real Time Hand Segmentation on Frugal Headmounted Device for Gestural Interface
* 2018: Where to Place: A Real-Time Visual Saliency Based Label Placement for Augmented Reality Applications
* 2020: SmartOverlays: A Visual Saliency Driven Label Placement for Intelligent Human-Computer Interfaces
* 2021: 3DPoseLite: A Compact 3D Pose Estimation Using Node Embeddings
* 2021: Cross-Domain Multi-task Learning for Object Detection and Saliency Estimation
* 2022: Stitch in Time Saves Nine: A Train-Time Regularizing Loss for Improved Neural Network Calibration, A
* 2023: Calibrating Deep Neural Networks using Explicit Regularisation and Dynamic Data Pruning
* 2023: Transfer4D: A Framework for Frugal Motion Capture and Deformation Transfer
Includes: Hebbalaguppe, R. Hebbalaguppe, R.[Ramya]
17 for Hebbalaguppe, R.

Hebbar, P.[Poorvi] * 2023: Diffusion-Guided Reconstruction of Everyday Hand-Object Interaction Clips

Hebbar, R.[Rajat] * 2022: Robust Character Labeling in Movie Videos: Data Resources and Self-Supervised Feature Adaptation
* 2023: MovieCLIP: Visual Scene Recognition in Movies

Hebbar, S.[Sushranth] * 2020: Towards Generating Topic-driven and Affective Responses to Assist Mental Wellness

Hebble, T. * 2017: From the Lab to the Real World: Re-identification in an Airport Camera Network

Hebblewhite, M.[Mark] * 2018: Linking Phenological Indices from Digital Cameras in Idaho and Montana to MODIS NDVI

Hebborn, A.K.[Anna Katharina] * 2018: Particle Filter Based Tracking and Mapping

Index for "h"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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