Index for hegd

Hegde, A.[Anandavardhan] * 2023: Light-Weight Human Eye Fixation Solution for Smartphone Applications, A

Hegde, C. * 2010: Joint Manifolds for Data Fusion
* 2011: Heartbeat biometrics for human authentication
* 2013: Authentication using Finger Knuckle Prints
* 2018: Model Corrected Low Rank Ptychography
* 2019: Semantic Adversarial Attacks: Parametric Transformations That Fool Deep Classifiers
* 2023: Finger Vein Recognition Model for Biometric Authentication Using Intelligent Deep Learning
Includes: Hegde, C. Hegde, C.[Chetana]

Hegde, D.[Deepti] * 1900: CLIP goes 3D: Leveraging Prompt Tuning for Language Grounded 3D Recognition
* 2022: DA-AE: Disparity-Alleviation Auto-Encoder Towards Categorization of Heritage Images for Aggrandized 3D Reconstruction
* 2022: Multi-View Fusion of Sensor Data for Improved Perception and Prediction in Autonomous Driving
* 2022: VG-VAE: A Venatus Geometry Point-Cloud Variational Auto-Encoder
* 2023: DeFi: Detection and Filling of Holes in Point Clouds Towards Restoration of Digitized Cultural Heritage Models
* 2023: IPD-Net: SO(3) Invariant Primitive Decompositional Network for 3D Point Clouds
* 2024: Attentive Prototypes for Source-free Unsupervised Domain Adaptive 3D Object Detection
Includes: Hegde, D.[Deepti] Hegde, D.[Dikshit] Hegde, D.[Darshan]
7 for Hegde, D.

Hegde, G.[Ganapathi] * 2015: Conservative Approximation-Based Full-Search Block Matching Algorithm Architecture for QCIF Digital Video Employing Systolic Array Architecture
* 2021: DeepDNet: Deep Dense Network for Depth Completion Task
* 2021: Simple Domain Shifting Network for Generating Low Quality Images, A
Includes: Hegde, G.[Ganapathi] Hegde, G.[Girish] Hegde, G.[Guruprasad]

Hegde, G.M.[Guruprasad M.] * 2016: Efficient object annotation for surveillance and automotive applications

Hegde, M. * 2019: Interference in Automotive Radar Systems: Characteristics, mitigation techniques, and current and future research

Hegde, N.[Niharika] * 2023: 1st Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023: Challenge Results

Hegde, R.M. * 2013: Group Delay Based Methods for Speaker Segregation and its Application in Multimedia Information Retrieval
* 2015: Stochastic Cramer-Rao Bound Analysis for DOA Estimation in Spherical Harmonics Domain
* 2020: Bridged Variational Autoencoders for Joint Modeling of Images and Attributes
* 2022: Group Delay based Methods for Detection and Recognition of Whispered Speech
* 2022: Learning Speaker-specific Lip-to-Speech Generation
* 2023: Learning based method for near field acoustic range estimation in spherical harmonics domain using intensity vectors
Includes: Hegde, R.M. Hegde, R.M.[Rajesh M.]

Hegde, S. * 2003: Registration and tracking to integrate X-ray and MR images in an XMR facility
* 2005: system for real-time XMR guided cardiovascular intervention, A
* 2018: DrawInAir: A Lightweight Gestural Interface Based on Fingertip Regression
* 2018: Where to Place: A Real-Time Visual Saliency Based Label Placement for Augmented Reality Applications
* 2020: SmartOverlays: A Visual Saliency Driven Label Placement for Intelligent Human-Computer Interfaces
* 2021: Cross-Domain Multi-task Learning for Object Detection and Saliency Estimation
* 2021: Rethinking Common Assumptions to Mitigate Racial Bias in Face Recognition Datasets
* 2023: Making the V in Text-VQA Matter
* 2023: Weakly Supervised Visual Question Answer Generation
Includes: Hegde, S. Hegde, S.[Srinidhi] Hegde, S.[Shamanthak]
9 for Hegde, S.

Hegde, S.B.[Sindhu B.] * 2021: Visual Speech Enhancement Without A Real Visual Stream

Hegde, V.G. * 2012: Genetic Algorithm-Assisted Feature Extraction and Selection for Global Motion Estimation

Index for "h"

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