Index for hina

Hinami, R.[Ryota] * 2016: Bidirectional extraction and recognition of scene text with layout consistency
* 2016: Large-Scale R-CNN with Classifier Adaptive Quantization
* 2017: Audience Behavior Mining: Integrating TV Ratings with Multimedia Content
* 2017: Joint Detection and Recounting of Abnormal Events by Learning Deep Generic Knowledge
* 2021: Painting Style-Aware Manga Colorization Based on Generative Adversarial Networks
Includes: Hinami, R.[Ryota] Hinami, R.

Hinamoto, T. * 1984: Spatial-Domain Design of a Class of Two-Dimensional Recursive Digital Filters
* 1995: Image restoration using layered neural networks and Hopfield networks
* 1996: Edge-Preserving Smoothing by Adaptive Nonlinear Filters Based on Fuzzy Control Laws
* 1998: Special Section on Digital Signal-Processing: Foreword
* 1999: Design of Adaptive Stack filters Using Pattern Classification, A
* 1999: new realization of adaptive weighted median filters using counter propagation networks, A
* 2003: Primitive and Point Configuration Texture Model and Primitive Estimation Using Mathematical Morphology
* 2006: Extraction of trabecular structures of mandible excluding tooth roots on dental panoramic radiographs using mathematical morphology
Includes: Hinamoto, T. Hinamoto, T.[Takao]
8 for Hinamoto, T.

Hinata, H.[Hirofumi] * 2018: Real-Time Tsunami Detection with Oceanographic Radar Based on Virtual Tsunami Observation Experiments

Index for "h"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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