Index for irvi

Irvin, M.[Marc] * 2021: Detection of Malleefowl Mounds from Point Cloud Data

Irvin, R.B. * 1988: Methods for Exploiting the Relationship between Buildings and Their Shadows in Aerial Imagery
* 1989: Methods for Exploiting the Relationship between Buildings and Their Shadows in Aerial Imagery

Irvine Fynn, T.D.L. * 2012: Studying Glacial Melt Processes Using Sub-Centimeter DEM Extraction and Digital Close-range Photogrammetry
* 2022: Temporal Variability of Surface Reflectance Supersedes Spatial Resolution in Defining Greenland's Bare-Ice Albedo
Includes: Irvine Fynn, T.D.L. Irvine-Fynn, T.D.L. Irvine-Fynn, T.D.L.[Tristram D. L.]

Irvine, J. * 1997: General Image Quality Equation: GIQE
* 2012: Deriving economic and social indicators from imagery
* 2012: Enhanced event recognition in video using image quality assessment
* 2014: Imagery-based modeling of social, economic, and governance indicators in sub-Saharan Africa
* 2014: Reconstructing Velocities of Migrating Birds from Weather Radar: A Case Study in Computational Sustainability
* 2015: Perceived X-ray image quality for baggage screening
Includes: Irvine, J. Irvine, J.[Jed]

Irvine, J.M. * 2002: Analysis of multispectral imagery and modeling contaminant transport
* 2003: Fusing face and ECG for personal identification
* 2004: Approach to target detection based on relevant metric for scoring performance
* 2004: Assessing the performance of an automated video ground truthing application
* 2004: Feasibility study for the development of a motion imagery quality metric
* 2005: ECG to identify individuals
* 2005: image metric-based ATR performance prediction testbed, An
* 2006: image metric-based ATR performance prediction testbed, An
* 2006: Semi-automated 3-D Building Extraction from Stereo Imagery
* 2008: eigenPulse: Robust human identification from cardiovascular function
* 2008: Quantifying interpretability for motion imagery with applications to image compression
* 2008: Rapid training of image classifiers through adaptive, multi-frame sampling method
* 2009: User guided visualization for target search
* 2010: Intelligent management of multiple sensors for enhanced situational awareness
* 2012: Video track screening using syntactic activity-based methods
* 2013: Application of commercial remote sensing to issues in human geography
* 2013: Video image quality analysis for enhancing tracker performance
* 2015: Walk This Way: Improving Pedestrian Agent-Based Models through Scene Activity Analysis
Includes: Irvine, J.M. Irvine, J.M.[John M.]
18 for Irvine, J.M.

Irvine, K.[Kenneth] * 2022: Classification of Geomorphic Units and Their Relevance for Nutrient Retention or Export of a Large Lowland Padma River, Bangladesh: A NDVI Based Approach

Irvine, N.[Ned] * 2019: Effects of Embodiment in Virtual Reality on Implicit Gender Bias, The

Irvine, T.[Tracy] * 2018: Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Estimate Direct Tangible Losses to Residential Properties from Flood Events: A Case Study of Cockermouth Following the Desmond Storm, The
* 2019: Remote Sensing Based Integrated Approach to Quantify the Impact of Fluvial and Pluvial Flooding in an Urban Catchment, A

Irving, A.D. * 2015: Pilot Application of 3D Underwater Imaging Techniques for Mapping Posidonia Oceanica (L.) Delile Meadows

Irving, B. * 2012: Extraction of Airways From CT (EXACT'09)
* 2019: Segmentation of Vasculature From Fluorescently Labeled Endothelial Cells in Multi-Photon Microscopy Images

Irving, M.R. * 1998: On-Line Legal Aid: Markov Chain Model for Efficient Retrieval of Legal Documents

Irving, W.W. * 1993: Improving a Template-Based Classifier in a SAR Automatic Target Recognition System by Using 3-D Target Information
* 1995: Multiresolution model development for overlapping trees via canonical correlation analysis
* 1996: Multiscale Segmentation and Anomaly Enhancement of SAR Imagery
* 1997: Multiresolution Approach to Discrimination in SAR Imagery, A
* 1997: Multiscale Segmentation and Anomaly Enhancement of SAR Imagery
* 1997: Overlapping Tree Approach to Multiscale Stochastic Modeling and Estimation, An
* 1999: Performance estimation of model-based automatic target recognition using attributed scattering center features
7 for Irving, W.W.

Index for "i"

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