Index for kays

Kays, R. * 2013: Automated identification of animal species in camera trap images
* 2014: Deep convolutional neural network based species recognition for wild animal monitoring
* 2017: Object segmentation in the deep neural network feature domain from highly cluttered natural scenes
* 2018: Object detection from dynamic scene using joint background modeling and fast deep learning classification
* 2022: Investigations on Temporal Sampling and Patternless Frame Recovery for Asynchronous Display-Camera Communication
* 2022: reliable and unobtrusive approach to display area detection for imperceptible display camera communication, A
* 2023: Symbol Position Recovery for Optical Camera Communication with High-Density Matrix Codes
Includes: Kays, R. Kays, R.[Roland] Kays, R.[Rüdiger]
7 for Kays, R.

Kayser, D.[Daniel] * 1978: Learning criterion and inductive behaviour

Kayser, H.[Hein] * 2000: Anatomical Modeling with Fuzzy Implicit Surface Templates: Application to Automated Localization of the Heart and Lungs in Thoracic MR Volumes

Kayser, M. * 2016: Automatic 3D Facial Landmarking Algorithm Using 2D Gabor Wavelets, An
* 2021: Broaden Your Views for Self-Supervised Video Learning
* 2022: CFA: Constraint-based Finetuning Approach for Generalized Few-Shot Object Detection
* 2023: NIFF: Alleviating Forgetting in Generalized Few-Shot Object Detection via Neural Instance Feature Forging
* 2023: Towards Discriminative and Transferable One-Stage Few-Shot Object Detectors
Includes: Kayser, M. Kayser, M.[Maxime] Kayser, M.[Matthias]

Kayser, R.B.[Rafael Bloedow] * 2021: Artificial Neural Network Model of Soil Heat Flux over Multiple Land Covers in South America

Kayser, R.H.B.[Rafael Henrique Bloedow] * 2020: Assessment of an Automated Calibration of the SEBAL Algorithm to Estimate Dry-Season Surface-Energy Partitioning in a Forest-Savanna Transition in Brazil

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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