Index for ker_

Ker, A.D. * 2005: Steganalysis of LSB matching in grayscale images
* 2007: Capacity Result for Batch Steganography, A
* 2009: Estimating the Information Theoretic Optimal Stego Noise
Includes: Ker, A.D. Ker, A.D.[Andrew D.]

Ker, D. * 2021: ROT-Harris: A Dynamic Approach to Asynchronous Interest Point Detection

Ker, D.F.E. * 2011: Automated Mitosis Detection of Stem Cell Populations in Phase-Contrast Microscopy Images
* 2020: Weakly-supervised Cell Tracking via Backward-and-forward Propagation
Includes: Ker, D.F.E. Ker, D.F.E.[Dai Fei Elmer]

Ker, J.S.[Jar Shone] * 1996: Design of a color reproduction neural network chip with on-chip learning capability
Includes: Ker, J.S.[Jar Shone] Ker, J.S.[Jar-Shone]

Ker, J.W. * 2012: High-Performance SIFT Hardware Accelerator for Real-Time Image Feature Extraction

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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