Index for kiha

Kihai, Y.[Yury] * 2016: AVHRR GAC SST Reanalysis Version 1 (RAN1)
* 2016: Improved VIIRS and MODIS SST Imagery
* 2016: Sensor Stability for SST (3S): Toward Improved Long-Term Characterization of AVHRR Thermal Bands
* 2019: Optimization of Sensitivity of GOES-16 ABI Sea Surface Temperature by Matching Satellite Observations with L4 Analysis
* 2021: Metop First Generation AVHRR FRAC SST Reanalysis Version 1
* 2022: AVHRR GAC Sea Surface Temperature Reanalysis Version 2
* 2022: JPSS VIIRS SST Reanalysis Version 3
* 2023: NOAA MODIS SST Reanalysis Version 1
8 for Kihai, Y.

Kihal, N. * 2014: Fusion of iris and palmprint for multimodal biometric authentication
* 2016: Semi-automated Extraction of Retinal Blood Vessel Network with Bifurcation and Crossover Points
* 2017: Efficient multimodal ocular biometric system for person authentication based on iris texture and corneal shape
Includes: Kihal, N. Kihal, N.[Nassima]

Kihara, D. * 2014: Comparison of Image Patches Using Local Moment Invariants
* 2019: Three-dimensional Krawtchouk descriptors for protein local surface shape comparison
* 2021: EnAET: A Self-Trained Framework for Semi-Supervised and Supervised Learning with Ensemble Transformations
* 2022: On the Importance of Asymmetry for Siamese Representation Learning
Includes: Kihara, D. Kihara, D.[Daisuke]

Kihara, H. * 2001: 3D modeling system of human face and full 3D facial caricaturing

Kihara, K.[Kenny] * 2022: StandardSim: A Synthetic Dataset for Retail Environments

Kihara, M.[Mirei] * 2007: Image Tamper Detection using Mathematical Morphology

Kihara, Y. * 2016: In the Shadows, Shape Priors Shine: Using Occlusion to Improve Multi-region Segmentation

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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