Index for klat

Klatt, B.[Benjamin] * 2014: Erosion Band Features for Cell Phone Image Based Plant Disease Classification

Klatt, J.[Janina] * 2021: High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Energy Flux Mapping of Different Land Covers Using an Off-the-Shelf Unmanned Aerial System

Klatt, S.[Stefanie] * 2023: Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation for Sports Broadcasts using Partial Sports Field Registration

Klatte, J. * 2017: Deep cross-domain flying object classification for robust UAV detection
* 2017: Drone-vs-Bird detection challenge at IEEE AVSS2017

Klatzer, T.[Teresa] * 2017: Trainable Regularization for Multi-frame Superresolution
* 2017: Variational Networks: Connecting Variational Methods and Deep Learning

Klatzky, R. * 1996: Analysis and synthesis of the sounds of impact based on shape-invariant properties of materials

Klatzky, R.L. * 1994: Intelligent Hand: An Experimental Approach to Human Object Recognition and Implications for Robotics and AI, The
* 2006: Visual-Feedback Distortion in a Robotic Rehabilitation Environment
* 2013: Haptic Perception of Material Properties and Implications for Applications

Index for "k"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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